Dwight Hammond
The Bureau of Land Management are claiming that stepping over the line of private into Federally owned land is grounds for having your Constitutional rights stripped under the Article 4 regulations. The grievance presented states that the federal Article 4 is not valid inside the state of Oregon.
The Terrorist labeled, peaceful Americans are father and son ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond of Diamond, in Harney County, Oregon. Back in 2001 they did what farmers and ranchers normally do to clear out brush and promote the grow of new grass, they set fire on neighboring BLM land for which they had grazing permits since 1964. Several years later the court did agree that the fire had made a difference which made the land more useful for grazing.

Steven Hammond
However, the BLM and the US government are now claiming that what they did was intentionally a violation of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act. Eleven years after the fact they went on trial and on June 22, 2012 a jury convicted Dwight (70 yrs old) and son Steven Hammond (43 yrs old) of arson on federal lands in 2001. These men were first indicted on 19 counts in June 2010, but the courts reduced the number to 9 counts.
In 2012 Dwight and Steven Hammond were sentenced and served time, 3 months for Dwight and one year in jail for Steven for the productive fires in 2001 and 2006. They were tried and convicted of terrorist acts under the “Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act.
The 2001 fire was all part of a plan the Hammonds and the BLM had agreed to prior. They called ahead of time to confirm that there was not a burn ban in effect and proceeded to burn on their BLM grazing allotment. They ended up burning about 139 acres to make it more fertile without harm to any humans, animals, or structures.
[adinserter block=”3″] This Antiterrorism Act requires a minimum sentence of 5 years. The judge in 2012 referred to the 8th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and decided that 5 years was too harsh of a punishment and didn’t see any malicious intent. So he used his power to hand the Hammonds shorter sentences. The BLM wants to re-jail each of the Hammonds and see them sit in a cell to fulfill the five-year sentence that the judge bypassed. This ‘Double Jeopardy’ violation is scheduled to begin on January 4th 2016.
The BLM has since then canceled the Hammonds’s grazing permits on four of their grazing allotments that further dampens the ability to generate income.
The BLM have fined them $400,000 and if the Hammonds reach the attempted duress that has been inflicted upon them they’ll have to sell all or part of their ranch to raise money for the extortion. The BLM has already snaked their way into giving themselves the first option to purchase ranch.
Ammon Bundy has taken the reigns as representative for the shaken and frightened family, who have been “subjected to misery without their Liberty” he says that they have filed a notice of grievance to Harney County, OR and the BLM that has been signed by supporters in every state of the U.S. Ammon said in a December 10th radio interview that the “Government was created to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Hammonds didn’t harm or kill anyone or didn’t steal or damage anyone’s property. And that the Government took their liberty away by imprisoning them.” This added prison time is sparking the interest of Militias as well.
[adinserter block=”1″]He told Tom Lacovara on Resurrect the Republic Radio that, These public lands that he preferred to call (private vested lands) in the western states were developed differently than the eastern part of the U.S. They were settled by ranchers, miners, and loggers, which were utilized as multi-use properties. They established their own rights to the water, minerals, and the forage. Since the areas are so arid, big areas had to be claimed in order to share among several trades. This system worked beautifully and didn’t not require government intrusion. Bundy stated “What’s happening to the Hammonds now, will happen to you and I if we don’t stand up and do something about it.” This is not an isolated incident according to Bundy, in 11 of the western States since the 1980’s thousands of cases have occurred where the seizure of land has taken place by the Park Service, Fishing and Wildlife, and the BLM departments. He added that “The first rules of Government radicals is to have no morals” So the time is now to defend the rights of the people again from the tyrannical federal government, peaceful resolution is preferred but the fire in the hearts of the American patriots are beginning to burn brighter. When the essential gathering of brothers and sisters comes to fruition in defense of others and the outcome is successful there will be a rising tide of Freedom from Tyranny.
From: The Bundy Family
To: Aware Citizens & Government Officials
Our hearts and prayers go out to the Hammond family with deep empathy. The magnitude of the injustices dealt to them is hard to comprehend. Their once happy lives have been forever darkened with pains of corruptions. The nature of their sentencing proves once again that justice is currently not found in the federal courts. The Hammonds are a simple ranching family that for generations has cared for the land they live upon. Prescribed burns are a vital process in keeping the land healthy and productive in the area. The BLM also performs prescribed burns and have let it get out of control many times, but never has it cost any federal agent hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and years of life in prison. The Hammonds prescribed a fire that moved to public land, they extinguished the fire themselves. The courts found that the burn increased vegetation for the following years, and had a positive impact on the land. With no authority or justification to prosecute, eleven years after the fire, federal attorneys have obtained judgment that the Hammonds are terrorists and must be punished severely for their actions.

Arden Bundy, 14, right, and LeRoy Toombs, 14, herd the cattle across the plains of the VO Ranch, otherwise known as Bundy Ranch, in Riverside, Nevada
The illegal predatory actions of federal agencies placing themselves as the sole beneficiaries of the land and resources must end or the people will stand in open resistance against it. The collaboration between federal agencies and the federal courts is shameful and will continue to accelerate the people’s demand for justice. The Hammond prosecution, and many offenses like it, solidify that the federal government is no longer an entity that functions for the benefit of the people.
We warn federal agencies, federal judges and all government officials that follow federal oppressive examples that the people are in unrest because of these types of actions. The purpose of government is to protect the unalienable rights of the people, not to take them away. It is the duty of the people to defend their inalienable rights if government fails to do so or turns to devour them. Good, civil citizens wish only to live in tranquility and peace, but demand freedom while doing so. We call upon you and all civil servants to effectuate the true purpose of government and change your actions as needed by fulfilling your sworn duty to the Constitution and ultimately to the People.
We further warn that the incarceration of the Hammond family will spawn serious civil unrest. We advocate that all charges be dropped and that the Hammond family be allowed to return to the home and life that was so rudely interrupted. The Hammond family has paid enough for this mistake, if any mistake at all. Further punishments to the Hammonds will require restitution upon those who inflict the injustices.
We call upon aware citizens and government officials to promote the protection and freedom of the Hammond family, and by so doing, maintaining the spirit of liberty that this beloved nation is built upon. ( The Bundy Family)
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
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Joseph Beauregard Saxon
Aamond Bundy hates the feds but sure didn’t mind taking money from the feds:
Joseph Beauregard Saxon
Double jeopardy applies to being charged for the same crime again after a not guilty verdict. It doesn’t apply to sentencing. Did you clowns get your law degrees from some jailhouse lawyer?
If you go to jail and you are released that’s it. You can not be put back in jail for that same crime of the same incident. That is double jeopardy.
Robert Balsavage
time to take up arms against a corrupt government. stop letting them take our rights away one at a time. we are not slaves of the American government they are supposed to be working for us, not against us.
Joseph Beauregard Saxon
Robert, if this country turns into a Christian tyranny in 3 years, can we take up arms against it? Most of your types would love a Christian tyranny. Fact is you are nothing but a crybaby.
Robert Balsavage
well since i am not christian that would not fit into my plans. sorry you are an idiot and have no real clue to what is going on, just like the other sheeple. A big waste of human skin.
What rights of yours have been taken away?
There is no doubt in my mind that the federal government is completely inept and hamfisted when dealing with Western ranchers and landholders. I can’t believe the outrage I fee when I see a prosecutor charging two citizens under a piece of terrorist legislation when they are simply doing what farmers and ranchers have done since time immemorial to strengthen and enrich their lands Te government’s actions are totally unjust.
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Sam Nelson
What did we expect? Did anybody think the Federal Government wasn’t going to win; who do you think runs THE COURTS, and, how corrupt are they? Totally destroyed and unrepairable is the Justice System in America, and so, we are doomed to do as we are told by the Rothschild’s controlled government. It really was silly for the Hammonds’ to ever protest, and those few men, riding for the Bundy’s, I think it was a protest for the Bundy’s, riding with side arms, riding their horses, in support of the cause, what a terrible joke on them. One Apache Helicopter with a 50 cannon could have wiped them and their horses out, and, in less than a minute. Had that happened, like the murderous fire that murdered children at Waco, would any American be able to do anything about it? NO! Okay, here it is, do not do anything like this again. Petition the government to please let the Hammonds’ go, beg. plead, but do not think to do anything the government could deem illegal or violent. Soon, there will be people, often, speaking broken English, telling us what we can do and what we better not do. These people will not be Americans and they will and can kill us, without any legal permit. These will be the enforcer’s of the Rothschild’s law, a law made to run directly and terribly against us and what we think is right. If we refuse we will die, if we go along, hey, we get some time to make a plan. A plan, is all we can do right now for our Police and Military are against us today. We must hope this will change, for, when we have the Police and Military on our side, then we cannot be stopped from taking back our rights, not even if the Rothschild’s stand against us. Mother, Father, the parents of the men and women who are the Police and the Military, talk to your children, convince them to join us and get away from the cruel Rothschild owned Government.
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INCORPORATED aka USA Inc., a private foreign owned off-shore international banking/military criminal cartel that has been fraudulently masquerading as our sovereign Constitutional lawful governing body since 1861, when our nation was placed under state-of-emergency and martial law thus, suspending all organic Constitutional Law and enacting tyrannical and despotic occupational tribunal Roman military/commercial law of Admiralty/International Uniform Commercial Code Contract Law under the despotic marxist/fascist Rothschild/Vatican United Nations/IMF/World Bank/Federal Reserve criminal cartel.
To the de facto fraudulent government paid bottom-feeding trolls, spineless whores and brainless communist liberal collectivists who worship big government enslavement try and refute the following I’ll be waiting pencil-necks …
The United States Is A Corporation: US Statue Code Title 28, 30002 (15) (a) (b) (c) 16 Stat. 419, chap. 62, 41st. Congress 3rd Session.
There it is in THEIR own words. United States Statue Code. This is just one of countless examples within Statue Code and state CON-stitutions openly stating their treason, massive fraud and criminality.
ALL states were subjugated and incorporated without our knowledge or consent of
We The People’ during a covert and secretive closed door meeting of The Geneva Convention of 1938.
Bet you didn’t learn that in your marxist/fascist totalitarian collectivist schools or de facto occupational mind-control centers did you? Yeah, me either.
We have all been lied to about virtually everything since we were all ‘incorporated’ as soulless units of commerce owned by USA Inc., and the Rothschild criminal banksters from Birth/Berth.
Don’t believe me ..?
Your Birth/Berth Certificate is actually a Securitized and Collateralized Bond worth countless millions that is been traded daily on the NYSE by the criminal banksters!
The so-called ‘government’ that you brainless pathetic liberals love and worship know this. In-fact your little ‘tin-gods’ fomented this massive deception and theft.
Have you received a check yet … of course not … but, the banksters do all the time.
Oh, and don’t think for a second I’m a Republican, they are just as corrupt and evil as the Democrats who by-the-way are BOTH owned by the same global ruling elite shareholders that own and control USA Inc.
There is NO government of, by, or for the American people only a lying, thieving, deceptive, fraudulent de facto criminal foreign owned off-shore corporation masquerading as ‘government’ at federal, state, county, and city levels with NO exceptions anywhere!
– Obama, is CEO and corporate employee of USA Inc., and does Not and never will represent the American people but rather the shareholders of USA Inc.
– CON-gress, is The Board of Directors of USA Inc., and they too do NOT represent the American people only the interests of USA Inc., and its shareholders.
Now, do you realize why they never listen to “We The Useless Eaters’..?
BLM, is nothing more than a sub-corporation of USA Inc. With absolutely NO lawful authority, jurisdiction or lawful interstate nexus within the sovereign 50 state union of states whatsoever for any reason.
Here’s just a tiny example of agencies and departments you falsely believe are actually ‘government’:
IRS, BLM, TSA, DHS, FEMA, NASA, FBI, CIA, DOJ, DOD, FDA, EPA, Park Service, Treasury Dept., Federal Reserve, all law enforcement from federal, state, county, and city (including Sheriff since 1938), … get the picture?
In other words, everything you ‘think’ is government … is actually a private foreign owned off-shore de facto fraudulent sub-corporation owned and controlled from the Financial District of London City, England since and before The Act of 1871.
Now, why is this so important ..?
I challenge anyone reading this to show me a ‘lawful’ document that requires ‘We The People’ of the sovereign 50 state union to … Obey, Submit, or comply to a de facto fraudulent foreign owned off-shore international banking/military criminal cartel that is masquerading as our Constitutional governing body … good luck with that.
Here’s an example of what this all truly means …
Question: What ‘if’ millions of fed-up, furious broke Americans realized that the IRS, is actually in-fact a ‘mere’ corporation ..? A private for-profit 3rd party collection agency created to exhort your hard-earned wages for the foreign owned and controlled private central bank known as ‘The Federal Reserve’ ..?
Are you mad-as-hell-yet ..? Are you ready to help me spread this vital knowledge to everyone you know yet ..?
My own web-site has been ‘red-flagged’ and taken-down repeatedly by the traitors and criminals who support your enslavement and subjugation. My computers have been destroyed, I’ve been followed, threatened and banned from the internet over the years for daring to expose these filthy maggots who hate our liberty and freedom.
So, I post anywhere I can and to anyone who will listen.
I have received countless death threats and mountains of hate-mail.
I guess I hit a nerve. This only makes me redouble my efforts and post even more.
I worked many years in film and TV with all the major studios and TV networks until I was fired from CBS Nightly News for attempting to awaken my co-workers within CBS, to all the lies, fraud and endless cover-ups that continue to this day.
The corporate-controlled media is our mortal enemy owned and controlled by the very same power and money that owns BOTH political parties, big oil, big banks, big AG, big pharma, big Hollywood, Wall Street, the Pentagon=Pentagram, the Military Industrial Complex, and everything else that has any value.
These filthy Satanic psychopathic mass-murdering demons may have endless power and wealth to enslave and crush humanity but, there’s one thing they can never have at any price … TRUTH.
They do not live by God’s Law but, by man’s tyrannical and despotic de facto fraudulent dictates that only serve their own lust for power and absolute totalitarian and techno-fuedal control over everything on this world.
We must all join the struggle for the liberation of humanity.
Joseph Beauregard Saxon
Here we go with the tinfoiling. This garbage has been debunked over and over.
Only by ignorant clueless morons.
The best response to the “tin foil hats” is to ignore them. It’s the same as internet tolls of which they are a subspecies. I have found that getting caught up in argument with them is a huge time waster and generally bad for your health due to the excess stress. There is no cure for stupid.
Robert Storms
Did the Hammonds go to trial or accept a plea deal?
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This is now the problem with Govt, they do not want to manage essiential services etc. but they want complete and utter control over everything and everyone
Read the book sacred cows at the public trough it is about the threats and intimidation public land managers face with these cowboy types wanting a monopoly on the public domain particularly in this part of Oregon. It is the cowboys that are the tyranny not the land managers!
alex knight
You just read that they had permits to graze, they called ahead to burn, and even the judge agreed at the trial that the fire was beneficial. Are you being paid by the government to be here?
No, I am no fan of the bureaucrat, but conversely I am disgusted as a hunter and fisherman, by the way these cattle barons dominate public resources, where I live in the West, there are entire mountain ranges, that are public land with public fish and game, that are inaccessible to the public, because these dirty corrupt cattle barons control access, and are more than happy to prevent any one rightfully entitled to be there, from being there. They only allow paying “customers”, and cronies access. F%^K them!
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Public land should belong to the public, and the people of the state that those public lands are in. I don’t understand why we need permission to do things on public land in the first place. Ranchers and cattlemen shouldn’t have the right to restrict access to citizens, just as the government should have the right to tell ranchers and cattlemen whether they can or cannot let their cattle graze on the land. Anyone with too much power will try to control their environment. Local governments and the people should do the enforcement, not federal, who have no idea what they are talking about.
“Experience hath shown, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”
“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.”
“There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people.”
“Our country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single government. Public servants at such a distance, and from under the eye of their constituents, must, from the circumstance of distance, be unable to administer and overlook all the details necessary for the good government of the citizens; and the same circumstance, by rendering detection impossible to their constituents, will invite public agents to corruption, plunder and waste.”
~Thomas Jefferson
“Give me liberty or give me a new government by the people for the people”
Michael Salzbrenner
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of
Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on
such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall
seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. — Declaration of Independence of the United States
Joseph Beauregard Saxon
And, who is going to determine when that should be done? Should the SDS have done it back in the 60’s?
L. Kröechk
This is NOT a case of double jeopardy.
David B Scoggins
The Hell it isn’t!!!! They are being tried for the same “Crime” under a different label.
L. Kröechk
They weren’t retried for a crime they had been previously been found innocent of. The Gov, like a defendant, has the right to appeal a sentencing. Their original conviction by a jury stands. The state appealed the sentencing phase only, citing minimum sentencing requirements that were not followed by the original judge. The court of appeals found this to be correct. Subsequently, the hammonds appealed and the case was turned down by the SCOTUS. This is NOT double jeopardy.
If the first judge was a Federal Judge the BLM has no recourse as the Judge was representative of the Federal Government. As a Federal Judge his sentence was proclaimed and therefore if the BLM was not satisfied with the initial sentience, they should have filed an injunction on the sentencing at that time not several years later.
L. Kröechk
You should offer your services to those two fellas that are going to report to prison tomorrow.
Joseph Beauregard Saxon
It wasn’t a case of being retried. It involved the sentencing, which has precedence.
Thomas in Jacksonville
The BLM has no constitutional right to exist. The federal government has no right to land in any free state unless it is to be used for a military base, a post office, a place to collect import taxes at points of entry, a federal government building for it’s courts and offices, or postal roads.
L. Kröechk
Says you. I live in Nevada which was a former territory of the United States. My understanding is that what you say is true for the original states, but our land was granted to us by the United States upon our acceptance of statehood at which point we accepted their terms and conditions because we wanted in the union. You’ll want to pay particular attention to the “grant of lands” section where they even dictate what we can use land for. https://www.leg.state.nv.us/Division/Research/Library/Documents/HistDocs/1864Act.pdf
* http://www.justice.gov/usam/criminal-resource-manual-664-territorial-jurisdiction is U.S. Attorney Manual 664;
see also re: the Larry Beecraft, Attorney website dealing with the requirements of Uncle Sam in order to operate in each state in the Union, of Missouri, the “Show Me” state even giving the agents of U.N.C.L.E. (;-) “Carte Blanche”, see: ” N.H. Secretary of State here by RSA Ch. 123:1 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-mrg.htm and in Florida of paperwork to be filed with the governor there, etc. as even spelled out of what to do according to their own U.S. Attorney Manual 664 http://www.justice.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00664.htm to put along side that excellent website at: http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm by Attorney Lowell “Larry” Beecraft of Huntsville, Alabama. ” + Penna too, of I have e-mails from Mr. ____ there that that 40USC255 to 3112 agent never filed there either. Re: the Adams case: ” and: http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/Misc/PressStatementSchulz9-16-03.htm of: “”In view of 40 USCS 255, no jurisdiction exists in United States to enforce federal criminal laws, unless and until consent to accept jurisdiction over lands acquired by United States has been filed in behalf of United States as provided in said section, and fact that state has authorized government to take jurisdiction is immaterial.” “
OH REALLY?????? And pray-tell what would YOU call it???????
L. Kröechk
I would call it yet another sad and unfortunate result of minimum sentencing requirements.
Joseph Beauregard Saxon
It isn’t double jeopardy. Take a law course.
I did. It sounds like you need to brush up. Ignorance is no excuse
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