About the author

Andre' Gabriel Esparza

A Pro Liberty, Pro Freedom, Human Rights Activist, very involved in a wide variety of Activism and Exposing the Truth at all costs.

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  1. 5


    This judge is an idiot

  2. 4

    A Voice in the Wilderness

    Hopefully the publicity (news report) will help inform more people

  3. 3

    A Voice in the Wilderness

    we are all potential jurers just as we are all potential terrorists.

  4. 2


    The judge needs to be removed.

    1. 2.1

      Stanley B. Manley

      The judge needs to be arrested and charged with a crime for trouncing on the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

  5. 1

    John Q

    Unless he was targeting members of one particular jury, they cannot make the charge of jury tampering stick.

    1. 1.1


      Plus there was no jury created at the time, it didn’t even exist to be tampered with!

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