“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
When James Madison drafted the Second Amendment in 1789, it was not as much of a controversial statement as it seems to be today. In the Constitutional era, it was widely understood that a Militia, composed of the whole or part of a community, was responsible for assembling, training, and when necessary, fighting to the last man for the community and its people. To be called a Militiaman was to be identified as someone who had answered a call to community service and, while not necessarily a professional in arms, was nonetheless ready and willing to put his life and livelihood at risk for the sake of his neighbors.
So where did the confusion come in? There must have been a point at which the image of the Militia transformed in the public eye, from the stout-hearted Minuteman of the American Revolution, to the caricature of the militant, regressive troglodyte who withdraws to the backwoods, stockpiling mountains of Vienna Sausage and harboring deep suspicion for everyone around him. At what point did the once worthy title of Militiaman become associated with radicals, vigilantes, and terrorists?
What we know today as the Constitutional Militia Movement caught the public’s attention in the early 1990s, after the widely publicized massacres at Waco and Ruby Ridge at the hands of Federal agents, earning the emerging movement the immediate and unflattering association with political reactionaries. The new existential threat, to the horror of these newly assembled patriots, seemed to be coming not from Axis forces or Communists as in previous decades, but from elements within their own Government.
Meanwhile the Government, to its everlasting detriment, did little if anything to assuage those fears. The political climate of that era was one characterized by massive consolidation of central power, unconstitutional weapon regulations, police militarization, United Nations operational control over the Armed Forces, the onset of Agenda 21, and exponential advances in computer technology that threatened the very concept of personal privacy. A complete and final meltdown of national sovereignty, and the beginning of the so-called “New World Order” seemed, to many, perilously close at hand.
Today’s militia movement, tracing its roots as a direct descendant of the 1990s militia uprising which sought to combat those ominous developments, is even more prolific than its supposed height two decades ago. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified some 334 active militia groups in 2013 – far less than the actual number, which is constantly changing and thus unknowable. SPLC in its haste to paint their Right Wing Extremists with a broad and racist brush, attributes the emergence of a new Militia movement to collective anxiety over the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States. However, it is infinitely more plausible to claim that the ease of communication brought about by the proliferation of social media has brought together fresh waves of veterans, patriots, tactical enthusiasts, activists and aspiring “preppers,” all of whom have injected fresh perspectives, training and ideas to the twenty year old movement.

An instructor teaches water filtration as part of a survival training curriculum. Image courtesy of Central Texas Militia
The political climate among this new generation of patriot militia groups is considerably more subdued, indeed even to the point of nonexistence in many circles, as the focus has shifted from an urgent need to organize and call up citizens’ militias, to the image of the groups and the quality of the training itself.
Additionally, the practice of “prepping,” once thought to be the frantic and fearful activity of a lunatic fringe element, has since gone mainstream through the literature of authors like James Wesley, Rawles and David Crawford, and through the popularity of TV programs like “Doomsday Preppers,” making its mark as a central focus of present-day militia training, and bringing with it a more sympathetic view from the public toward the idea of armed citizens’ groups assembling for mutual aid and protection.
The Government, for its part, still smarts from the damage done to its image in the 1990s. The famous showdown at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada in 2014, during which the government forces withdrew in the face of an oncoming wave of armed, flag-waving American patriots, is a telltale sign of a law enforcement system that, at all costs, will seek to avoid another confrontation of Branch Davidian proportions.
This is in no way intended to suggest that there aren’t still radical and deeply conspiracy-minded elements to the militia movement today. Those circles seem to remain impervious to evolution. However, the general consensus among militia groups today seems to have become that, while vigilance toward tyranny is still gravely important, vigilance toward the movement’s own alarmist tendencies is doubly so.
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With this critical shift in perspective, the modern constitutional militia movement has matured, from a mysterious community on the fringes of society, into a viable source of free training for thousands of like-minded and sincere patriots. And given this new and improved image, it seems reasonable to suggest that in another decade or two, the militia community has the potential to emerge as a fully mission capable entity for armed service to the community. It is the expectant hope for a future in which citizens’ militias are favored by society over federalized, militarized police forces, that keeps them actively training – not necessarily to fight the legitimately elected government – but rather to augment it in a time of dire crisis.
We may, in our lifetime, hope to see a return to the true Constitutional Militia as it was understood in Madison’s day. It is a distant dream on the horizon, but an attainable goal if the movement stays on its current course. While the Militias’ popularity waxes and wanes throughout history and will always have varying degrees of discipline, one thing is certain. Once the spark of liberty awakens in a generation, it cannot be put back to sleep. We have much to be excited about, ample reason to feel pride in our accomplishments, and a lifetime of work yet to do.
By Anthony James Kidwell – DontComply.com
Michael Dillon
Would love to join but have mental health issues and felony convictions but im gl5to know you guys have our back
http://www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com The Militia and Patriot movement has always been multi-generational. Only the controlled media has pushed the “this is a fad thing” in the past. The 90’s effort is a point at which it became absolutely a “get in your face” situation where public confrontation was needed. The militia effort of the 80’s was just as active and organized. The newest public effort is no different from the rest. The slanted coverage of the traitors in the press cannot be used to judge the 90’s effort. Training, equipment and manpower were just as good, and still are, as anything now being put on the table. Ignore the PROPAGANDA and do not use it as a gauge.Through out the late 80’s and 90’s a series of standoffs and militia deployments took place that were LARGER than the Bundy Ranch event. They were successful in pushing back the fed and internationalist but the controlled media was ordered NOT to give them national coverage. The Freeman Standoff is one example. Try to find ANY information about the real Knob Creek Resolution and the very CHILLING effect it had on the fed and their activities. If you would like a copy of the Resolution go to http://www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com The work continues and the battle goes on. Vote with your wallet and buy more ammo. Liberty1775
Keith Edward Brown
If you’re in Ohio, contact myself, SPC Keith E Brown of the Ohio Defense Service, we’re a non-radical group of men and women who both play and train together as a group, we will uphold the constitution of the United States and the State of Ohio, and are even working on connections with local police departments.
Bill Cash
Ready to serve.
Please email me. jeremijasanders@ymail.com
We have numerous legal examples of the courts breaking the law and may have a more legit Bundy ranch on our hands rather quickly.
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Jeffrey Stankiewicz
The Light Foot Militia has units in over a dozen states, including Idaho, Washington, Montana, Utah, Oregon, Texas, New Mexico, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, etc. You can download a copy of our “Militia Standards and Principles of the Light Foot”, which includes a chapter on how to start a unit, as well as how to be a “Militia of One”, here… http://thelightfootmilitia.com/Portals/0/LFMS2014/LFMS2014.pdf
Great article!
Texas State Militia is outstanding.
Michigan home guard militia man here!
Pingback: Not Your Daddy’s Militia: Today’s Constitutional Militia Movement Has Grown Up | Western Rifle Shooters Association
Michigan here!
Brad Elroy
Oklahoma Citizen Militia checking in. We’ve been operational a little more than a year. Our primary focus at this point is just what the article mentioned: We want to be a service to our community, not a burden, and through that, we want to take the term “Militia” back, from being a slur, and return it to its roots. We are a very diverse crowd… we welcome all, including Liberals (myself), with a like minded concern for the scary direction the world is moving. Thanks for spreading the word.
Kenny Coffman
Thank you Mr. Kidwell for your service to our country and for continuing to serve. You have written a very informative article here. May God bless all of our patriotic oath keepers.
Mr. Loco(LocDaSmoke)
California State Militia man right here and proud of it!!
What part of California is your group in?
Mr. Loco(LocDaSmoke)
We’re all over the state. Log on to http://www.cal-militia.com
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John Robert Mallernee
Here is a video I recorded five years ago on Memorial Day, explaining my views of the militia movement.
I am a veteran of the Viet Nam War who has served honorably in the regular United States Army, the Utah National Guard, and the Utah State Guard (i.e., Utah State Defense Force).
John Robert Mallernee
Consider volunteering for service in your State Guard or State Defense Force.
Also, do what you can to educate your state’s legislatures, and if necessary, amend the state constitution so that the State Guard, and NOT the National Guard (which is merely a component of the regular United states Army) is designated as the state’s militia.
My story: http://www.westernjournalism.com/understanding-and-embracing-your-state-militia/
Greetings from another Conservative Kidwell. Thanks for your work!
Lance Stinson
Wondering what you can do to help your family,
community and Republic? If you live in the southeast one thing you can do is
check out SECOM.
Get involved with a Community based Org where most everyone
can get involved and make a difference.
SECOM is a Constitutional Militia
with the focus of reaching out to our communities and arming our communities
with the tools for education , defense , prepping and Survival.
SECOM is looking to reinstate the sense of
community within our communities.
Get involved locally!
What is
We are the
Southeast Constitutional Militia.
We The People-In
Full Support of Constitutional Ideals.
More and More people are waking up to the
realization that our country is rapidly moving in the wrong direction. I have
found myself in situations where I have been asked what is that “Militia thing”
all about? Are you Anti-Government?? This is my answer:
The Southeastern Constitutional Militia isn’t anti
anything….we are a group of citizens that are Pro
Pro-Constitution of the United States of
Pro-Bill of Rights
Pro – Family
We believe in the sanctity of the documents that
created the greatest nation in the history of the world…The Constitution and
the Bill of Rights
We believe that our Communities are better off
protecting and defending themselves than relying on some bureaucratic goliath
organization to do it for us
We believe that the soul of this nation is the
And we will defend all of the above
We are simply… American. Our ancestry is
irrelevent…. we are all
Americans. As Americans we believe in one
simple,undeniable TRUTH. That TRUTH is that rights are
bestowed on ALL people
at the moment they exist. We pledge our lives to protect “We the People”
and wherever it is called for.
We work to empower our communities in the following
Education of the Constitution & Bill of
Citizens Defense Training
Emergency Preparedness
Community Action and Assistance
Empowering Citizens and
If you are a United States Citizen and you believe
like we do, join us. “We the People” are the only hope that this country
Check the content here and judge for yourself.
Violence is contrary
to natural law, except in survival and defense. We do not offer violence as a
solution to anything and will not accept members that do! We train fervently
only in order to survive the violence so often offered by others.
Welcome to a home for thinking patriots.
SECOM on facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Southeast-Constitutional-Militia/112871255452576
Main site http://www.secom.spruz.com
Still dont know the truth about Constitutional
Militias and how they are our friends and not the enemies that the MSM paints
them to be..
Here is a little history and some facts on the 2nd
Amendment and Constitutional Militias… for those that are not familiar with
the constitution and US history.
This is the best video i have seen
explaining the The Second Amendment and the facts about it. Educate yourself ,
friends and family. Make this viral today. We might need it soon.
Who is the Militia. You , Me, any citizen that will
protect the constitution , their family and their community.
is Dedicated to the
Preservation of our Freedom, the Security of our Rights and the Restoration of
our Constitution to its rightful place as the LAW of our great
What is the Militia?
As defined by our founding
forefathers, the militia is defined as “the whole people”.
It is every
able-bodied citizen who is not disqualified by criminal conviction or
…defect, except those few persons who hold public office, such as
judges, legislators, et
Concept of Militia
The Citizen Militia IS:
deterrent, defensive force. A first response mechanism, to assist
in times of
disaster (i.e. hurricane, floods, etc). A chain of command, which we can use to
offer leadership and assistance to our fellow citizens, community and
A legacy passed from our forefathers to us; and from us to our
A realization and practice of our God given Rights, Liberties,
Duties and
Responsibilities. An organization of, by and for the Constitution
of the united States, and the people whom they serve.
The Citizen Militia is NOT:
An offensive force.
A racist or subversive group. A private army subject to the dictates of any
individual, corporation, or other private group.
An organization formed for
sustained combat operations (a ‘standing army’). To be used as a forum or
launching point to any particular or religious
Who Can Join ?
Any citizen of The Republic who a
legal residence in the state and has resided in the
state for at least, the
past 6 months, and is not otherwise disqualified from being a member of the
‘militia-at-large’. The Volunteer Militia exists by law under the Constitution.
Amendment II
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be
Who Belongs To The Militia?
Doctors Policemen
Firemen Lawyers Sheriffs Deputies Pastors Teachers EMT’s
Plumbers Salesmen
Nurses Electricians Truckers Students Housewives Construction Workers Mill
Workers Carpenters Mechanics And the list goes on.!!!
To secure and practice all of our Rights
and Liberties; To open ranks to all citizens who love Liberty without regard to
one’s race, creed, religion or gender; and to deny participation to those who
seek to harm the Republic, discredit us, or our goals;
To be an effective
deterrent to tyranny;
To clearly state that we are committed to a posture of
defense, and do not advocate the unlawful overthrow, targeting of or overthrow
of our form of government by any person(s);
To uphold the just and lawful
statutes of the nation as stated in the US Constitution; To declare no enemies;
yet be mindful of those who declare us to be enemies;
To teach the correct,
unvarnished history of our Republic and our State, the formation or our
Constitution and Bill of Rights; To teach & promote
To promote the safe and responsible use of Arms
for the protection of our families, our property, our American way of life and
our republican form of government; To teach that our Liberties and Rights are
not limited to those which are enumerated in the Bill of Rights; and are granted
by our Creator.
To assist duly elected, sworn and bonded public
officials in time of emergency or in the defense of our God – given Rights,
Liberties, and the Constitution(s).
It is the goal of all Militia members to be
prepared and never needed, as opposed to being needed and not
chris berrian
please email me info thanks Chris B.
Bill Cook
It’s nice to know you’re out there. Thanks for the update. Out.