Waxahachie, Texas – A Resident and proud mother of five Amy Hedtke who is running for School Board to help dictate the local educational decisions of her community was detained by Ellis County Sheriff’s deputies for exposing the ridiculousness of the newly installed metal detectors. She was irked by the TSA style body scanners that are now present in her hometown and in a building that the public pays for. She looked into her laptop bag to find something that would make an example of why these are useless and to show that they are fool-proof. She happened to find a small craft knife and revealed it to her friends just after giving an opposition speech about the dangerous and tyrannical nature of the anti-liberty and invasion of privacy machines.

Amy Hedtke
Hedtke exclaimed,
“I would like to congratulate Ellis County for moving us closer and closer into a victim disarmament zone. I can’t say this is the kind of title that I would like Ellis County to hold. So I would like to encourage you guys to remove the metal detectors and go back to letting the public just walk into our courthouse. A lot of your mass shootings and attacks are happening in facilities where people are being systematically disarmed, either by attempts with metal detectors or searches or even your TSA stuff with the body scanners. The Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 made it illegal to manufacture, to import, to sell, to ship, to deliver, to possess — blah, blah, blah — any firearm that is not as detectable through walk-through metal detection. Now you have got stuff like plastic polymer weapons that are being made at home with a 3D printer. You have got ceramic stuff that is not detectable by metal detectors and just in this room alone, I am guessing pretty much everyone has something on them that could be used in a lethal manner. Unfortunately, the best way to counter the bad guys that are breaking the laws is to have more people in the room that can actively respond to something like that. That is your best deterrent.”
She continued with, “Right after that, the commissioner’s court recessed into executive session. We are all kind of milling around and talking. I went over to a friend of mine with the bag and said ‘Check this out.’ I said, ‘How much do you want to bet that I got something in here that should not have made it through for safety reasons or whatever.’ So I am opening my bag, and sure enough, there is this little metal craft knife. It is one of those slim jobs that has the break-off blades. It is tiny and slick and super for just packing and carrying,” Hedtke said. “It actually left my bag and became visible and that is when one of the deputies came over to me and asked if he could speak to me out in the hall. We just went down to a room and went through the bag. He sent me (back) up to the meeting when we were done talking.”
Hedtke frequently shows up to commissioners’ court meetings to keep up about what is going on in the community. She is competing with five other candidates for a seat on the Waxahachie ISD School Board in May. She explained that carrying the knife is a great example for the students and the local community because the education system that was designed by the Texas Constitution is supposed to educate its citizens on how to identify, protect, and preserve their rights and freedoms.
Hedtke stated, “I don’t know if you are familiar with the Bill of Rights that is in the Texas Constitution as well as the United States Constitution, but the right to self-defense is critical. It is not just self-defense out on the street facing muggers, but it is a defense that is specifically included in both constitutions to be able defend ourselves against both governments.”
Hedtke received a ‘permission slip’ to obtain her property that was seized and it allows her to reclaim it at a later date.
Johnny Brown the County Sheriff even said that Hedtke did pass through the new metal detector, but that they are not designed to detect every single potentially dangerous object. He said that they are specifically designed to find guns and knives that are on or near a person’s hip. So locking one of his masters in a room for a while because she had a little craft knife seems like just an overreach of authority. Luckily she wasn’t cuffed and taken to a cold cage, but for her defense there were no signs that prohibit the possession of those items as of now.
Ellis County Sheriff Johnny Brown said that “She did go through the metal detector. She had a suitcase and she had it (the knife) in that. They didn’t find it. Don’t know where it was at in there. That thing was pretty messy. She got up and made a speech about locking down the courthouse the way it is locked down. then she got up and made a speech about that. Apparently went back to her chair and went and dug through that bag and pulled that up and told some women to look at what she had walked in with. They just made us aware of it. They detained her for a bit and did an investigation.”
Sheriff Brown continued, “We visited with her about it and let her go. It was so small that it could be hidden in anything or anywhere. I don’t know where it was when she pulled it out. But I know that it was in that bag.”
County Judge Carol Bush chimed in with an email about having only one access point that day, while trying to mask her denying liberty to her constituents in the guise of security.
“It is a measure that had been in the works for quite some time. And no, it is not strictly for commissioners’ court meetings. To put the matter into context, a single access point is not without precedent for the Historic Courthouse. Prior to the completion of the 2002 renovation, the southeast entrance of the courthouse was utilized in the same manner. Security manned the sole entrance and all employees and visiting public passed through a metal detector upon entering the building. It is often overlooked, but it is important to note that the Historic Courthouse is indeed a functioning courthouse. It houses the Justice of the Peace Court, the County Court and is often used in an overflow capacity for the County Courts at Law and District Courts. Securing courthouse premises is something that is the subject of intense emphasis by the Texas Office of Court Administration. Instituting recommended security measures is a common sense approach to enhancing safety.” This is nothing new to Hedtke, last year during her testimony at the State Capitol in Austin she spoke up about the 2nd Amendment. Watch Her Speech here
The taking of tax payers money and then spending it on more restrictions especially on their own turf is nothing but a control scheme. Just like the Red Light cameras that were removed by a continuous loud roar from the people this needs to happen again. Getting these Gun Free Zones abolished is the ultimate cure to any fear that is portrayed to the populous. Signs and public knowledge that the courthouse is open to people who choose to carry personal defense weapon on them is an instant deterrent to any would be criminal. The encouragement to do so as well will teach the lesson that Ms.Hedtke is trying to convey. To know and defend your right to life and property, something that is clearly absent in today’s America.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
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