A compiled video has finally been released, detailing the police overreach that was executed on three young men in Connecticut.
Back on May 27th of this year Dontrell Brown, Michael Picard, and Goodman Brown were meeting up to exercise their right to protest a DUI checkpoint (a 4th Amendment violation) in Manchester, CT. As always, Michael and Dontrell were legally open carrying their firearms, when a person driving by called the police to tell them that he was concerned with a few guys bearing arms in an open carry state. By his own admission, Julian DeCicco said that they were in holsters and the rifle was on a strap and pointed towards the ground. He confirmed that they were not threatening in any way and were just simply “friends just hanging out”.
Why did he call armed men that are already on edge about the make-believe war on cops? His unnecessary call could have resulted in the deaths of these young men who were just “hanging out”. Even though they were doing nothing wrong, the responding officer, Jason Wagner, who has been reprimanded and suspended before for excessive force, immediately pulled his gun out of his holster and forced them to the ground. No questioning, No due process, No probable cause, nothing, just a hot-headed cop using his 6 month police academy authority to oppress the people he is supposed to serve.
Soon after that, Officer Peter Celio arrived and took off Dontrell Brown’s rifle and slapped steel handcuffs on him. A couple of minutes later, Sergeant Ryan Shea pulled up with his authoritarian adrenaline pumping and seized their cell phones and snatched Mr. Picard’s firearm, put a knee in his back and shackled his wrists together. The “couple of guys hanging out” call attracted another cop, Officer Wagner who arrived with his gun drawn and carelessly put his firearm down by his side while the muzzle was pointed at their heads. Wagner then put his gun back into his holster where it should have been the whole time and then patted down and frisked Goodman Brown and cuffed him as well.
While Officer Celio performed a TSA style full body search on Mr. Picard, the cops referred to him by his name and made it blatantly clear that they knew him. After Michael requested and demanded what reasonable suspicion they had and what crime had they commited. They were told they were all to be taken downtown, arrested, and charged for breach of peace. After being detained for half an hour, Goodman Brown was the first to be released while the officers surrounded him, so they could attempt to instill fear and intimidate him. Dontrell was finally let go about 15 minutes later. Michael was eventually released another 15 minutes after that, and was threatened to be turned into the state’s attorney, who would then issue a warrant but it was never issued.
Dontrell’s vehicle was stolen by the cops with an excuse that his tags were out, but that was untrue. After they had all left the scene, dispatch radioed the officers to call dispatch back on their personal cell phones, which are not subject to public records requests. A call then went out over the radio that these same guys were intimidating people and shining flashlights into cars, which is absolutely false because they were no longer at the scene as the officers admitted. So another case of lying to “cover their ass” to prevent any possible punishment or lawsuits, lying is their regular practice, so we see how they operate and they are no better than barbarians.
With the government and the media urging people to snitch on their fellow citizenry for something that they don’t agree with, it is turning into a dangerous and certain fatal disaster. Emotions do not trump the exercising of rights, but the knee-jerk reaction to anyone carrying a gun is an immediate synapse from the eyes to the fear that is instilled through the lack of adequate education.
The Manchester police officers were also not following the simple policy of giving their names and badge numbers upon request. They were tracked down later. Manchester PD 860-645-5500 Facebook page
1. Officer Jason Wagner
2. Officer Peter Celio
3. Sergeant Ryan Shea
4. Lt. Sean Grant
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
You all know anti gun democrats are using this see something say something right?
And terry VS Ohio makes their search of their cars legal, or by their eyes it does.
I thought most cops were conservative too and believed in the second amendment? Do people think Voting Trump will stop this or make it more prevalent? I mean he’s claimed to be the law and order guy, especially after Dallas, and Baton Rouge. I know it happens more under Clinton, and the black guy would of probably been killed even though complying, but would this still happen under Trump? I’m one to kind of believe it would still and maybe even more, but….