The theft of children by an ever-growing evil tentacle of the government continues. Attacks consisting of separation of the family unit without a thorough investigation is the cure for this indoctrinated government entity. Ahmed and Kathy Giwa were travelling abroad and while visiting England they refused a pediatricians suggestion to do an M.R.I. with anesthesia on their 15 month old son, CPS was alerted.

The Giwa Family
While at home back in Texas the American arm of the CPS was informed about the Giwa’s refusal and in April of last year Child Protective Services (CPS) snatched Ali, the boy in a set of twins from the Giwa family with an unproven claim of medical neglect. Tammi Stefano, the host of The National Safe Child Show said during their radio interview “Folks, we have other countries now intermingling with CPS, becoming a world wide connected powerhouse and that is scary. That’s really scary for every parent.” The Houston branch of CPS also never presented that the case in England had been dropped.
Court hearings that were heard after this forced separation show that CPS admitted that they had no evidence of the parents neglecting the boy in any way whatsoever. Julie Ketterman from KHA Lawyers PLLC is again on the case to help this family, we reported on her exposure of the CPS corruption.
In November, CPS returned and kidnapped their two daughters while at the Airport preparing to make a trip to Nigeria so the kids could visit with their grandmother who was terminally ill.
The Giwa family sadly had to spend the holidays without their three children being with them in their warm home. CPS also violated a federal law of requiring to place siblings together. Having three young children in a different place during these or anytime is torturous task for many loving parents. Then Thursday the Giwa’s finally received positive news that they were going to get their kids back “I thought this day was never going to come,” an ecstatic Kathy Giwa said.
Kory Booth, an attorney for the Giwa family said that
“The judge questioned how that presented any kind of safety concern regarding the girls,”
Judge John Phillips instantly ordered CPS to return both of the girls to their parents immediately.” Mrs. Giwa happily stated, “He stood for the truth and he was just outstanding,”
CPS are mounting a comeback and are still aiming to terminate the parental rights of the Giwa’s. Kory Booth’s Facebook Page
Kory Booth again shed some insight, “They plan to adopt that boy out to some non-family member and the judge shook his head and basically questioned them as to how they could come to that conclusion.” He added that CPS still hasn’t provided any evidence to prove that the parents were guilty of anything to do with the state agency’s ridiculous claims of failure to allow their son to thrive. Fox 26 received this statement, “The court has ordered the female siblings to live with their parents while CPS maintains legal custody to monitor their safety and well-being. Ali (their son) will remain in foster care to ensure that his medical needs are being met”
Their fight is not over, little Ali is still not home, they have created a Facebook page to rally support and to put more information out to the public about their cause. Maintaining the all-important exposure of this cruel and worthless government agency needs to persist. Returning the responsibility to other family members, the community, and local churches to explore the discussions of any neglect or harm done to any children is one of many more humane alternative solutions. By simply ripping young children that are still in the developing stages away from their families and placing them in separate four-walled rooms miles away, this is what makes this a state-run recipe for disaster.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza –
Andre Esparza
Thanks James, keep commenting, we love to hear from our readers.
James Garland
Great article Andre! CPS has grown into this business that will break laws and distroy families without any evidence that would require a outside source to entertvein. They seem to go outside the law hoping that the parents dont know their rights or dont have enough money to fight them. We must inform the people of cps’s intentions and stop this out of control, mass kidnapping.