As millions of people are becoming aware that they haven’t gotten the whole story on 9/11, over 1700 architects & engineers are leading the way at AE911TRUTH, with dozens of these professionals giving testimonials in this documentary, putting their careers on the line in their demand for a new independent investigation. High-rise architects, structural engineers, scientists, physicists, chemists, scholars, educators, firefighters, forensic fire engineers, demolition experts and others also testify in this ground-breaking scientific assessment of the events at the World Trade Center.
The sudden, complete collapse of the third skyscraper,WTC Building 7 at 5:20pm on 9/11 at free-fall acceleration, is now being seen around the world as “the smoking gun” which disproves the official story about 9/11. These experts also introduce additional “overwhelming evidence” for a controlled demolition hypothesis of the three World Trade Center highrises – which raises many disturbing questions.
The film does not speculate – but does empathize with viewers by also introducing the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence. This is the most scientific and compelling 9/11 documentary film to date.
Please support the organization that made this program possible by purchasing the full length DVD at
This is the shorter 58.5 minute version for promotional use. Please also support AE911Truth by downloading the full length DVD and watch it later or watch it now at
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