[adinserter block=”3″]Here at DontComply.com we want a more free world. We push and poke the system trying to shake lose what few freedoms we can and want everyone to live without the restrictions placed on us unjustly by the state. So, when we see citizens with blue outfits openly breaking the same laws we are subjected to, it catches our attention. We really are glad that some people here in America aren’t hindered by things deemed “illegal”. In fact some act with no regard to consequences, because for the police there rarely are any.
We have tried many times to do raffles to no avail and were told we would have legal action taken if we proceeded. We have witnessed other rights groups in a grassroot attempt to raise funds perform raffles and get in serious trouble. There should not be a law prohibiting raffles…but there is. This weekend there will be two raffles held at two different locations conducted by Deputy Bryan Buccini. The two locations hosting the illegal raffles are Henry Hudson’s Pub and Masones Saloon.

Deputy Bryan Buccini
DontComply.com has contacted Deputy Bryan Buccini and Sergeant David Hilborn to get the details on the raffle. I was informed that there was no third-party church or charity involved which violates Texas law. The money was collected directly by all 13 police officers listed on the flier. The law breaking officers varied from Lieutenants to Sergeants and down to the Deputies throughout the department. Checks were told to be made out payable to Bryan Buccini. He said he would cash them personally and then give to a family. This way of running a raffle is highly illegal and would be shut down if the Texas Gambling Commission was doing their job. After all, they do their job by preventing DontComply from doing raffles. Also in the conversation Deputy Buccini said he owned a gun store and was using a gun from his shop as one of the prizes he was personally raffling off in yet one more illegal violation of the law. The side note to this event worth pointing out is the fact that they are giving away black scary guns and optic sights to raise money for a shooting murder that happened. The irony is as thick as molasses in winter.
The folks here at DC always like to see when people ignore unjust laws, but when those same people then turn around and enforce the same laws on us it is deplorable. The Texas Gaming Commission has laid out numerous guidelines one must follow to legally hold a raffle. The entire law can be seen HERE. The summary of who can and who cant do a raffle is HERE
The Charitable Raffle Enabling Act, Chapter 2002 of the Occupations Code (CREA) establishes the guidelines for raffles in Texas. See Tex. Occ. Code Ann. Ch. 2002 (Vernon 2004). The statute is very technical and should be consulted before advising an organization regarding the legality of a proposed raffle.
- Who may conduct raffles?
- Only a qualified religious society that has been in existence in Texas for at least 10 years; a qualified volunteer fire department that operates fire fighting equipment, provides fire-fighting services and that does not pay its members other than nominal compensation; a qualified volunteer emergency medical service that does not pay its members other than nominal compensation; or a qualified 501(c) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization that has been in existence for at least three years may hold raffles in Texas. Individuals and for profit businesses may not hold raffles.
Audio from the Sergeant and Deputy can be heard below as they admit to personally running illegal raffles with the help of other officers.
[adinserter block=”1″]The following thirteen police officers have been named in connection with the illegal act.Deputy Bryan Buccini
Deputy Jason Burke
Deputy Timothy Mordecai
Deputy Kathleen Buccini
Deputy Courtney McLaughlin
Deputy Joseph Jameson
Sergeant David Hilborn
Lieutenant Randy Tunches
Deputy James Barker
Deputy Bryan Cross
Sergeant James Horn
Technician Nancy Cheng
Sergeant Sarah MalkowskyBy Murdoch Pizgatti – DontComply.com
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