After stating it once, Austin, TX Police Chief Art Acevedo was asked for clarification and here is his response:
“No, No sir that’s not. What I said was I I I we could help a we could when we introduce a firearm. I would have never have a woman be victimized, yes sir. Yes sir but I need to, I need to correct that to make sure, I don’t want people to think. I don’t want a woman to end up not just a sex assault victim uh but ends up being murdered with her own firearm because they don’t have because they haven’t put in the the training the retention the weapons retention. That firearm, if it’s being used against trained police officers, I think it was 50 something, and that’s just the ones that died, uh, thats the concern and and so thats what I was talking about. Believe me if a woman can, yes sir.”
As broken and strange as that testimony sounded one thing was clear. He would rather a woman get raped than give her the opportunity to defend herself with a weapon because there’s a chance she might not have had weapon retention training. The part where he then talks about using that weapon against trained police was incoherent at best. He was stumbling over his words to put it as soft as he could. He wants all women to be disarmed, especially young girls on college campuses. We hear you
loud and clear Art. If this man has his way, all of his, and our, descendants will be left defenseless. If they are ever put in an assault or rape situation Art has assured us he has great counseling classes you can take to get over it. We want better. We don’t want an entire state of unarmed, abused, raped and victimized college kids. We know the response time of APD and when seconds count, the police are minutes away.
I would like to see this guy compete against my wife in a shooting match.