Homelessness seems to be a rampant problem in cities such as LA, a problem for those that don’t like looking at homeless people or can’t make money off of them in property taxes. There are m... Read more
We often hear that being a Police officer is the most dangerous job in America. We often hear people talk about the sacrifice and the shear amount of danger that police officers face day in... Read more
Growing up in Texas, going hunting was a rite of passage for most young boys and became a way of socializing as we became adults as well as a way to stock our freezers with low-cost meat and... Read more
In an update to our earlier opinion piece found here, we have reviewed the 23 minute video showing what occurred on that tragic night. I must apologize to my readers because the information... Read more
When I think of the variety of people in my city and the potential scenarios that a law enforcement officer may face, I am not at all surprised when I see them with belts filled to the brim... Read more