New tactic attempts to limit YouTube clips of police brutality A recent case where a police officer attempted to seize a cell phone by claiming it could be a weapon underscores how cops are... Read more
Another pro-Second Amendment story the national media dare not touch. Paul Joseph Watson May 17, 2013 In yet another pro-Second Amendment story that the national media dare not... Read more
Doug Hagmann Every American gun owner, regardless of the state in which you live, is presently or will be the target of gun confiscation. A state-by-state framework of... Read more
(I.B. Times) Warrants? We don’t need no stinking warrants. According to new documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union, government officials may not always obtain warrants when... Read more
(ABC News) Conservative groups have rejected an Internal Revenue Service apology for unjustifiably scrutinizing tax-exempt conservative groups during the 2012 election cycle. The IRS apology... Read more
(Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY) A volunteer paramedic who was one of the first on the scene of a fire and massive explosion last month at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas, was arrested early Fri... Read more
Wise words from Rand Paul, warning about the concentration of power in the executive branch of government. This isn’t really about Obama, it’s about ANY president who seeks to ce... Read more
(NPR) Minutes ago, just as we were headlined “3D-Printed Gun’s Blueprints Downloaded 100,000 Times In Two Days,” this message of the group that has made those plans availab... Read more
(L.A. Times) Gun crime has plunged in the United States since its peak in the middle of the 1990s, including gun killings, assaults, robberies and other crimes, two new studies of government... Read more
Adam Kokesh talks about the future in drone detection. Read more
(NaturalNews) To the country’s largely liberal mainstream media, there is nothing to see here, but to the Government Accountability Office – and a growing list of alternative med... Read more
DRIVEN BY JEFFREY EARNHARDT! Who: Oath Keepers / Jeffrey Earnhardt What: Public Awareness Campaign to bring the Oath Keepers’ message to the NASCAR audience and general public by running a N... Read more