Representative David Cicilline
Democrats and others who consistently say ‘”No one is trying to take your Guns away” are severely delusional. They have hopes in the resurgence of the Clinton Gun ban with H.R. 4269. The title of this bill is “To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.” These types of bills are introduced time and time again prove that there is an attempt to disarm the public. This treasonous infringement on the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is being slipped in under the wording should not be unlimited to prevent Mr. Cicilline from being arrested.
The Tyrant who wishes to regulate our Human Right to protect our life is Representative David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat who truly believes he knows how to keep us safe. He said “Now, let’s remember that assault weapons were first designed for the battlefield by Germans during the Second World War. The sole purpose of their existence was to kill as many people as quickly as possible during military combat.”
The ignorant and extremely misinformed Cicilline is targeting semi-automatic rifles and semi-automatic handguns. His goal is to ensure that these defensive tools are not manufactured for civilian use while adding new restrictions on the sale of already existing semi-automatic arms. Not surprisingly this legislation is backed by about 123 Democratic co-sponsors, and presumably has no chance of passing through the Congress with the Republicans having the majority.
The word Assault is an incorrect term in describing these semi-automatic rifles, but it is blurted out repeatedly by the anti-gun populous.
California Rep. Janice Hahn (D) used her position to push the imaginary dangers of inanimate defensive and hunting tools to those willing to absorb the rhetoric. “The assault weapons we’re talking about today are not just any guns, they’re not for hunting, they’re not for target practice. These are weapons of war, designed to inflict the maximum amount of death and injury.”
Another gun grabber Steny Hoyer the Democrat Whip from Maryland chimed in with the regurgitated scripted garbage that has fermented in his jowels. “There is no place for dangerous, military-style assault weapons on the streets of America. Since the federal assault weapons ban lapsed in 2004, tens of thousands of people have been killed by high-powered, high-capacity firearms in communities across our country. We must take action, and I commend Rep. Cicilline for leading on this critical issue of public safety.” Hoyer also took a stab at the millions of American hunters by uttering more gibberish “I don’t know any hunters who use an assault weapon and if they do, that’s not much of a sport. I understand people want to protect themselves in their homes, but what we have here is a reasonable restraint.”
Under the legislation, Gun owners who already have these so-called “assault weapons” would be fortunate enough the be granted permission from the almighty government to continue to possess them, but would face restrictions if they decided to gift or resell them.

Image by DavidWhiteWolf
The law will close what gun control advocates call the “Charleston loophole” that allows a businessman who makes a living selling firearms to sell a gun after a three-day wait if the FBI cannot complete a background check in that adequate time frame. These totalitarian imbeciles continue to display their stupidity in an attempt to disarm us, which leads to the willing citizenry fortifying their collections. ‘We the People’ will and always ignore such idiotic and draconian laws that threaten the safety of us and our Families. Molon Labe!
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
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