Hugh Jackman
Former New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is at it again. This time the gun control aficionado was in Colorado at the Aspen Institute, in front of a sold-out crowd he preached that “Cities need to get the guns out of the hands of persons that are male, minority and are between 15-25″ He went on to say that ” 95 percent of all murders fall into that category, taking them away will reduce crime and keep them alive.”
The nonsense continued to spew ” Minority males don’t have a very good outlook on life, they think that are going to get killed anyway because all of their friends are getting killed, they think having a gun is a joke for them, it’s a joke to pull the trigger.” This 3 term mayor from New York has all the answers? Billionaire Bloomberg promised during this same speech that the poor need better education and by the end of his life he’s going to write a book about why the poor remain poor.
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Back across the country to his former kingdom where his anti-gun puppets are still dancing on his strings. Fashion designer Donna Karan together with Gabby Giffords and Everytown for Gun Safety are unveiling her take getting rid of guns with the new Haitian made bracelets that will have the Bloomberg phrase “Not one More”, for just $25 for the silver clasp and $30 for the gold clasp these leather wrist wraps can be yours. This anti-gun jewelry is being modeled by Hugh Jackman, where in his home country of Australia most are wishing they still had their right to bear arms, with the wolverine putting pictures of him wearing the bracelets on all his social media accounts. Karan commented, by saying “Every problem has a solution and I believe the solution to our nations gun problem is to join all of our voices and talents together, from political leaders to gun violence survivors and the designers, musicians, actors, models, producers, directors, and hoteliers who came together to launch the bracelet and for each of us to use our influence to say loud and clear “Not One More”.
Richard Martinez who was also on hand praising the release of the wrist adornment, saying that his son was killed back in May near the University of California Santa Barbara by Eliot Roger who he said went through all the necessary background checks, had his guns registered with the state of California and also complied with the high capacity magazine ban. I smell desperation in this gun control push, are their backs against the wall with all of these new pro-gun bills throughout the US? The rallies at Capitals with the rise in 2nd Amendment groups and gun sales, the gun control agenda is on the ropes. So what a better way to cash in? Keep selling this fear of the firearm, and to blame it for discharging itself. ‘
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
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