About the author

Andre' Gabriel Esparza

A Pro Liberty, Pro Freedom, Human Rights Activist, very involved in a wide variety of Activism and Exposing the Truth at all costs.

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  1. 9

    Billy S DuBose

    I believe that Clinton /Obama/Russia,, and the Uranium Deal ,was behind this! They are the terrorists! These Americans were in their way!

  2. 8


    I’ll join in with Harry, your family is a bunch of domestic terrorist. Period. In addition, they are theives and abusers of animai life. There cows don’t look like the ones in that video. They are starving and dehydrated even though they are supposedly still on public land. You westerners – who sympathesize with the Bundys, have a funny way of acting when it comes to paying bills and meeting responsibilities. Carol needs to be in jail with them.

  3. 7


    100% proof that tyranny exists in a Democracy.

    1. 7.1


      Patriot thinks tyranny is having to pay your bills. Very heroic Patriot.

      1. 7.1.1


        Paying bills has nothing to do with it. It’s moving in and telling people they have to do this do that, and more, without them even having a say. Lets see how you like it if I moved in and started saying you owe me money for this, and for that, and to back it up I had armed thugs to back me up! I bet you’d scream tyranny quick enough.



          Patriot everyone else paid their bills. If you have an issue with the invoice, you appeal. You don’t go get a gun and ask your buddies to get guns and come to your house. Yes, sometimes things from your perspective are not fair. Life is tough. But going for a gun when you think you have been wrongfully billed for grazing privileges is immature, criminal and anything but patriotic.



            That’s why were here now because of empathy and because of compliance to overbearing Govt. These bills as you say aren’t like the cable bill, or lights, they are fees that have been usurped by unlawful and illegal practices. I guess if everyone else is jumping off the bridge we all should too then? because everyone else is doesn’t’ make it right, it just means their too damned sheepleated to do otherwise. FYI some have in and around Burns Oregon have given up their Grazing rights.

            Ammon Bundy and CO. were having an effect on the local Ranchers in telling them to give up their grazing rights. That’s the virus that Wyden was talking about. That’s why they were stopped and are trying to silence their, and our voice. And yes that’s exactly when you do that when all other means have been exhausted and your voice is not heard anymore that’s when people should be using their second amendment rights.

            FYI before you or anyone can say well Romans 13 says this BS Romans 13 has been corrupted.


  4. 6


    MAN there’s a lot of NWO scum on here damn.
    It is so a land grab, when people have been grazing their cattle in the same spot for years then all of a sudden out of the blue; have to pay grazing fees when none existed before. That’s what the declaration of Independence calls Usurpation.
    Usurpation = when Govt passes laws, or seizes power where none existed before. People don’t just arbitrarily bear arms,or begin armed protests over nothing, they do so because the govt is overstepping their bounds.
    A land grab is what this is especially when if people are or were paying grazing fees, water rights etc… but then they/ the govt begins to renege on those rights. Then the govt undermines the value of the landowners land then step in and buy it for much less than what it’s worth. That’s what is called a land grab so yes that’s what’s happening here, or trying to do and that’s what makes it a land grab. It’s exactly what happened to the Hammond’s, and the surrounding ranches. they all would have grazing rights and water rights, then the Govt BLM would build a fence around the areas they were grazing and demand they either pay more, or go further to graze and water their cattle. Not a lot of choices when usurpers begin doing that kind of nonsense. You either pay their piracy, or lose your cattle. Real good Americans here standing up for that kind of practice I tell ya. and yet MR only Patriots defend their country bellow wants to congratulate despots! Real good choice dude thumbs up to ya for defending murders, and despots. Way to go three cheers for you all who defend that kind of crap!
    Must be a bunch of animal rightists, vegans, or vegetarians defending this kind of crap, because if they like beef they certainly don’t mind paying an arm and a leg for it then. whoo hooo hooray. Or here try this on for size they must want to be inline for hours at the Govt giveaway, of which they might get lucky and get a pound of hamburger but who know whats in it then.
    Can’t wait until something like this happens to them I bet their tune would change.
    You all applaud public land, and all the Govt underhandedness in all this but let them start in on you I bet you’d want to do the same here. Lets all move in with these people and start ordering them around see how they like it.

    1. 6.2


      Patriot you have guys want to remain in your childish fantasy bubble. You have your own little vocabulary that always leads back to the same issue – you and your buddies don’t want to pay your way or fair share. If you boys don’t want to man up and pay your bills don’t disgrace the actions and memories of real patriots by by wrapping yourself in the flag.

      1. 6.2.1


        wow took you long enough to re reply, but nothing about loving God, Freedom, and liberty has nothing to do with not paying bills or being Childish. Sorry but your rhetoric means absolutely Zero.



          Patriot, I don’t doubt that like a child you would put your fingers in your ears and chant some jibberish when it is something you don’t want to hear. You are consistent. It took me awhile because I run and own a business. There are 15 families that count on a check being in their bank account every two weeks. Real patriotism starts with meeting responsibilities. To your family, your neighbors, your customers, Your community and yes your government. And we live in a country where you can peacefully and respectfully seek greivance if you think that government is wrong. We all made a compact. It is a very precious thing and it depends on each person meeting their commitments. Doesn’t work when we start grabbing guns and taking property that isn’t ours when we have a disagreement. You can call yourself patriot on the Internet and rationalize less than adult behavior but it doesn’t change the fact that I know, others know and I think deep down you know that these are not the acts of principled men. No matter how old you and your buddies are it’s time to grow up.



            Oh and saying you love God ,freedom and liberty doesn’t require anything but a mouth and functioning vocal cords. Talk is about the least expensive thing that a man can do.

          2. patriot156

            lol you replied to yourself. But Rest assured Loving God means doing his will which is what I’m trying to accomplish here by posting links to things that make it known just how much we’ve been manipulated. http://www.newswithviews.com/Gregory/williams100.htm


          3. patriot156

            Acting or living it takes a lot more than vocal cords and I believe I have far more than what people may think. I know these Patriots have that’s for sure. Finicum paid the ultimate price for doing so.



            You know………………. Yo u can claim hard work all you want and claim this, and claim that,and how were all being childish etc… But you have nothing over me, or them. I imagine working 12-16 hour days 7 days a week to keep Cows/Pigs or what have ya so they don’t run off or get stole should count for something wouldn’t you? I guess not though because in your book all were doing is being childish so whatever. I’ve worked myself 12 hour days harvesting the food you eat Lima beans Corn Peas etc… Trying to keep; me and my family fed so stfu with that you have a business crap. You may not remember or care about what the Minute man did then but I do. They took to arms left their jobs their family on a moments notice so as to win Liberty for future Generations to enjoy. they knew as soon as the won it that times like this would come where the majority and Govt would overrule their protections the wrote in. I wonder if you, or others even know what those protections were? and why the were written in?
            Let me clue you in they were 10 and they were called the Bill of rights. They were written in hopes(which over time it’s been showed that what they hoped for would be undone), but they hoped would protect the minority against the majority of this country from overriding their rights with a bunch of garbage laws like what we have now.
            Sure what you say about grievance was true about 100 or so years ago, but that’s been undone by agenda now. Why do you suppose the second amendment was written to begin with? It sure as hell wasn’t Indians or Hunting it was to protect ourselves from overbearing Govt that’s why times like these.
            So I would add that adult behavior is exactly what were doing because we know the score and how things are going. It takes men of backbone and wisdom to do what Ammon Bundy and crowd has done. I assure you they aren’t a bunch of cry baby children making their stand as you seem to call them they have more integrity and strength than you will eve have I’m sure.
            Lavoy died albeit needlessly because he could of done as you all say and just coward under, but he didn’t he ran out saving those in the truck from sure death and sacrificed himself for them.
            I would take a bullet for my wife would you? even if it was the loving Govt as your defending would you? Some cop lays hands on my wife while she, or I are not at fault for anything he’s not going home that night that’s for sure.
            You speak of time to grow up and all but look around you. Cops being able to climb through windows without warrants, and violate peoples rights because the law protects them against us, and you call that nothing to be upset over, or how we still have some voice?
            Me thinks it’s time for you to grow up but wake up as well because when Govt can just move in on assumed authority and tell you how to live and be when there is supposed to be a Bill of rights but somehow those have been basically pissed on, and you still sit there saying grow up, or make comments how big me little you are all the while your/ our rights are being pissed on and our voice isn’t being heard because of some agenda over anything else maybe you should be the one to grow a pair. see the truth tyranny etcc.
            I’m with Phillip K Freeman on this let her/our people go they did nothing wrong!

  5. 5


    Not your land Carol, never was, never will be. It is public land and has always belonged to the entire nation since it was ceded to us via the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. You abused the public trust when we the people gave you a lease at ten cents on the dollar to run your cattle on OUR land. Your husband NEVER paid his lease and made up some Sovereign Citizen sounding nonsense about his personal interpretation of the Constitution as an excuse to steal from the rest of us.

    He then rabble roused and fomented a near bloodbath and riot by inciting hundreds of armed anti-government thugs to rally to his lies and delusions and got away with it for a season. Now though that knock at the door is the sound of justice; whose wheels grind slow but exceedingly fine and your family will be paying for their crimes. The blood of Lavoy Finicum is on your familys hands, your husband and sons misled him and got him killed.

    1. 5.1


      Dan knows what the hell he is talking about Carol. Your family are theives.

  6. 4


    “Now that my men are in jail you think it’s OK to come and take the land”… T

    The land was Public Land to begin with! It was NEVER Bundy land. They own 160 acres that Cliven’s father bought in the 50’s… that piece is their land. However the Gold Butte area is public land… the land of the people. They keep on attempting to claim our land as theirs – They keep thinking since they have grazed cattle on the land a few decades it is theirs. That is just wrong… that is overwhelming sense of entitlement.

  7. 3

    Karma man

    Reid is a DISGRACE to all that is good and honorable! This terror campaign orchestrated by the Feds is a despicable microcosm of the tyranny in our federal government with a complete and utter lack of freedom and liberty that is guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The thought of life in prison for the victims of this outrageous land grab is overwhelming. The deck is stacked and the light at the end of any tunnel is dim at best

    1. 3.1


      It is NOT a land grab. Reid is proposing to turn Gold Butte into a Monument. The Gold Butte area was public land to begin with and always has been since the the Mexican-American War of the 1800’s. Making the Gold Butte area a monument just establishes a bit more protection. Permitted grazing is still allowed, mineral extraction is limited to existing patented mining claims.

    2. 3.2


      Not a land grab… the land has ALWAYS been public land, ALWAYS ever since it was ceded to the United States per the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. You should stop listening to the blatant lies and self serving propaganda of the land grabbers.

    3. 3.3


      Reid’s a commie, and yes your right he’s a disgrace. History has shown us time and time again that Govt always does this though. History is repeating itself and these morons don’t know it, or don’t care they want it to I think.

      1. 3.3.1


        History doesn’t repeat itself – that is a cliche for people who are too lazy to read it and study it. I’m talking real history – not some Bill O’Reiley book or some crappy ass self published stupidity created by one of your buddies. Scholarly work. Read and you will find out you don’t know shit. One thing that is true, what we have in this country is precious and it can be destroyed by people like yourself and the Bundys.



          What this country had long ago before you and your commie bastard friends mucked it up was precious. What we have now is Commie Garbage, and only getting worse.



            Patriot when was the golden era of America? The problem we have is childish people with fantasizes of a time and place that does not exist. That is the problem. No real historical context. How would someone in your circumstances live 100 hundred or 150 years ago? Patriot you apparently don’t know recent history. There are essentially no communists. We won the Cold War. Go get a library card and you will sleep better.

          2. patriot156

            OMFG the golden age was just after the Revolution, when our country was young and things like liberty meant something. Back when people still had the guts to fight against tyranny and not just be a silent majority. Uh you might want to try that as well Socialism is alive and well here just go to any liberal or progressive site and you will see. Socialism/ Communism/ Fascism are all pretty much related, with only slight differences. And FYI China is still very much communist, so is North Korea, Cuba is too even though that new leader is trying to open it’s borders to us with Obama going there and all that they are still very much communist. FDR was a communist which is why the new Deal came through it’s socialism and communism are related. Nationalism is here and you know it which is where people will say like on Alex Jones sites Fascism. There are aspects of them all here. Social security =socialism Welfare= socialism, Medicare = socialism. EPA and all those other Govt agency’s Controlling every aspect of what we can do say and hear IS communism. Common core telling kids it’s OK to say 2+2 =12 as long as you can tell my why. = Communism and has nuances of Nationalism and fascism. People on the streets as in what Andrew Dice does to sign fake petitions and they don’t even know what the heck they are signing just shows just how stupid people really are. You believing there are no communists might be just that.
            I know what life was like in the 70’s because I was a kid then and would say things were a lot free er then and people didn’t have to watch their PC crap all the time.
            In those days 2+2=4 and if they went hunting they were celebrated not looked down on as a bunch of goons out killing for the fun of it like people say we are now. people knew then you hunted you were taking care of your family, and even if you could by beef you were supplementing your food larder with deer or elk meat.

            Beef which brings me back to this: When no one is able to own or graze cows no more because they are all being agenda’d against and beef is so high you can’t afford it ti will be your fault not mine, because it was me/us trying to stop this ludicrous crap of taking peoples cows because they wont pay your usurped fees wot begin with when none existed nor should it.

            I knew then when this Grazing issue came out in the late 70’s early 80’s this was where it would head. Now look.

    4. 3.4


      Karma, anyone come and tell you not to write on this site today? How long have you been spouting your stupid rationalization of your pathetic, loser existence? The government must not be very good at inflicting their tyranny. How can you grab land from someone who doesn’t own the land? So Tyranny is sending someone a bill for service or use rendered? Loser.

      1. 3.4.1


        and yeah it does you need to read how Rome fell and all the other civilizations, from times past yes it does.
        You also need to read how Hitler came to power and the Russian Revolution. In times of trouble all countries turn despotic. There is a cycle that countries go through. From tyranny to chaos to revolution, to Freedom then times of plenty to empathy then back to tyranny and Chaos not far behind and the cycle repeats always!
        Since I can’t reply directly to your loser comment I will here. I don’t drink beer, never once did I mention a conspiracy I wish when trolls try to debunk me they’d at least use what I did say. Conspiracy is what you people use to try and undermine what people like myself are saying. I know of an agenda, but never once have I said conspiracy so STFU! And my life is not a loser life as you so put it. You’re the Pathetic one trying to justify his Status authoritarian ways, by attacking those who tell the truth. Me thinks that since you said some garbage about my Revelations 17:17 verse your an atheist and Antichrist as scripture puts it. were involved in Armageddon now and this is nothing less than Spiritual warfare.
        And No I doubt it very much with your lie that Generations after generation has said that. It just so happens that no other time in history has the world been so known that a US world power and UN whore world order could exist. It’s only been since Wilsons failed attempt at his league of Nations, and just after World war two has suck a thing even been viable. So no no other time in history could people say the same thing because it hasnt’ existed until the last 100 years or so.



          I have chores today so I’ll make this quick. You are asserting that “history repeats itself” and that there is a process or cycles that civilizations go through and picked two recent examples. Your examples could not be more different. Tsarist Russia and post WW l Germany. And you don’t think you are conspiracy nut? Do you really believe that the UN is part of a plan to control the world? If I wanted to on troll the world the absolute last place I would go would be the UN. Do people want to control you? yes. What’s the best way to do that? To get you so emotionally upset with one group of people that you will vote against your own interest or well being. You believe that your religion is under attack. That immigrants or whomever is a threat to your well being. Whatever it is has you so angry that you hate people who are trying make regular folks like myself and I assume like you – life a little better or easier. Control is getting you to act against your own interest.



            Yeah like they say Relax I’m from the Govt I’m here to help lol My ass. Here’s one for ya, I believe the drug war should be ended, and help NORML to legalize marijuana, so by your accounts I shouldn’t be doing that because all on the right are against all that right? The UN Making life better my ass.
            Here this shows the truth more than I can say. But first I don’t have to believe the UN is Controlling the world I know because I go to their web site often to research stuff. At the state dept website which is weird for why is a UN document at their web site, but they have what they call the UN’s Covenant for the world!
            But here gander this from the UN’s own web site on international law.
            Whats the text say on his post?………………….. Globalism is the act of whats that Socializing humanity in a new kind of international society with a new kind of international law. We must find the high values that will determine the making of the new society, and it’s law.

            Sounds like controlling people to me.
            and again you used the word Conspiracy which I never used but agenda, which by all accounts what this picture says in the text form the UN’s own web site is an agenda.
            he other is why we now have defunct no Gun zones that do nothing but put us in harms way more than protect us.
            Beast and whore and false prophet identified.

  8. 2

    Philip K Freeman

    Patriot lives matter,let my people go they are not guilty of breaking any law.

    1. 2.1


      They have broken so many laws they are probably going to spend the next decade in prison as they should.

      1. 2.1.1

        Philip K Freeman




          The shooting was reviewed by the Deschutes County Sheriff and ruled not only justified but necessary. Lavoy did not comply with orders at two traffic stops and was reaching for his 9mm while facing off a LEO armed only with a Taser.


            Philip K Freeman

            YOU are wrong the 9 was a plant there were NO ARMS ON ANY OF THE PATRIOTS, plus he was shot at as he came out with his hands up .

          2. STroxel

            You are wrong and spreading lies. The 9mm found on Finicum was his… it was a present by his step-son – the family doesn’t even dispute this point.. It was not a plant. There were AR’s under the seat of the truck, one with a night scope. Ryan Bundy is seen in the Shawna Cox video with a .38

          3. Philip K Freeman

            Where are you getting your false info.Murderers lie Patriots tell truth.

          4. STroxel

            Whatever you are spreading lies… they have been debunked. How would the FBI get the 9mm that his step son gave him? Are the OSP and Deschutes County Sheriff in on this conspiracy.

            Nevertheless it doesn’t even matter if Finicum didn’t have a gun. When you refuse to comply with police orders to get on the ground and keep you hands up and instead reach into your jacket (several times) you are going to get shot. Standard protocol. There is a good analysis of this on bearingarms.com

          5. patriot156

            Funny how you people when it ‘s our turn you talk of compliance it was a black man you’d all be up in arms as we are.
            But what spreading is sheeple dung. when people don’t have the right to question those in authority it’s called a police state.

          6. STroxel

            Further these fella’s are not patriots… I will reserve that for those who serve their countries – something neither Lavoy or any of the Bundy’s ever did.

          7. Philip K Freeman

            If you were being shot you would reach there too.Whoever shot LaVoy in the back was a murderer.Peaceful Ranchers have been hounded by gov for years anyone intheir place would rebel.

          8. STroxel

            He wasn’t shot where he was reaching – read the Deschutes County Sherrif’s investigative report. Or go read the analysis on


            The freeze-frame image on this article shows the instant before Lavoy was shot. He was reach for his weapon and facing an LEO with a Taser. By spreading lies you are just inciting more anger.

          9. Philip K Freeman

            The trooper who shot LaVoy in the back 3 times committed murder.

          10. STroxel

            As the report indicated it was not only justified but necessary. Lavoy was disregarding law enforcement orders and was reaching for weapon. Two OSP shot Lavoy and two others took their weapons off of safety and had made the decision. This is standard police protocol… you reach inside you jacket or towards you waistband and you will get shot during a high risk stop. You believe what you have to keep you anger going.

          11. Philip K Freeman

            What kind of traffic stop is a blind ambush with snipers in trees.One occupant was shot at with his hands out the window at the first stop.

          12. STroxel

            You really really do need to read the Deschutes Sheriff investigation. This stuff was address.

            It wasn’t a blind stop they had over 800 feet to stop, Lavoy had no clue about the snipers, and the mirror was hit with a non-lethal round at the first stop. Finicum and Cox decided to disregard orders by the OSP at the first stop and that is a felony. The only fatality was Lavoy and that is because he reached for a weapon.

          13. Philip K Freeman

            I saw the videos and know how law people stand together against the innocent & can see murder from ambush all over the stops if there hadnt been women in the car all would have been killed.

          14. STroxel

            OK so you don’t trust or value our LEO’s. That is too sad until the day when you need one.

            BTW if notice the Deschutes Country Sheriff report threw the FBI under the bus concerning two unaccounted shots. So much for you conspiracy theories of “land people stand together” and the false information you spread about the “planted” 9mm.

          15. Philip K Freeman


          16. STroxel

            I suspect you dont’ even know a rancher in the Western states… do you? I have ranchers as friends and even have ranchers in the family. Your anger is suspend by a barrel of lies that get shared back and forth in the rwnj websites. Carry on.

          17. Philip K Freeman

            Look at how many years those ranchers took harassment from gov. & tell me you would not rebel under the same conditions.

          18. STroxel

            What harassment? They are allowed to graze cattle on public lands at a low rates… On the public land that Lavoy grazed he was restricted from grazing in the months of June – Sept to prevent over grazing during the hot summer dry months. His land lease was in the Arizona strip that at one time was overgrazed (pre the Taylor Grazing act) The BLM job is to prevent that from happening again. He leased 18000 acres for 100 head of cattle $1200 for fall, winter and spring grazing. That is a good deal.

            If Lavoy or Cliven Bundy wanted no restrictions they can buy their own private land or pay private grazing fees.

            There was a very good reason why when Ammon Bundy tried to have a “signing ceremony” where Western ranchers ripped up their BLM allotments – only ONE appeared – and from what I hear he never did and is still grazing on public land. Other ranchers know the deal they are getting and would not sign on to Bundy’s failed revolution.

          19. Philip K Freeman

            Did you see dead cows buried by blm,What about the uranium mine ? How can you graze cows without water ? you are looking in the wrong places for your info.

          20. patriot156

            Patriots fought against the British and at that time this wasn’t’ even a country would you call them traitors too then? If what you say was true then we’d still be under British rule then. NO sir Patriots also fight against tyranny which our your Govt. has become. Lavoy or any other served the Country as it is supposed to be not what it is. That deserves as much respect and honor as anyone who served in the military. I might add today the military serves to promote a world socialist dictator regime. I don’t find much honor in that Revelations 17:17.

          21. STroxel

            We have a representative gov’t. Just taking up arms against a gov’t doesn’t make you a hero or patriot.

            Lavoy wanted to possess land that was not his. That is NOT being a patriot. He claimed his leased land as his own. Sorry that is just wanting free stuff. The irony is that the only way Lavoy could have been a hobby rancher is the available of cheap grazing land… he went bankrupt in 2003 and the only way he could afford to ranch was that he could use land that was cheaper than paying property taxes.

          22. patriot156

            hahahaha yoru fricking funny Remember an elected official can bring in tyranny just as quick if not quicker than a kind or one that isn’t. No Lavoy didn’t want to posses anything that wasn’t his, none of them do. What they want is to be left alone and graze their cattle like they should be able to without high handed Govt stepping in and telling them when where and how they can do it.

          23. STroxel

            As far as your Bible verse… narcissists nutbars in every generation proposes that _their_ generation is the concern of Revelation or the end times etc. Of course this is the pivotal generation of all of history – it has to be such an important generation because you are in it… right? LOL.

          24. crawdaddy

            Another loser justifying his pathetic life. Patriot you keep believing that your horrible existence is because of some conspiracy – keep drinking that cheap beer and booze to drown the failure Patriot.

          25. crawdaddy

            Phillip you are not a patriot and have no idea what patriotism is all about. It is not going and grabbing you gun when someone tells you to pay your bills – do you really beleive the nonsense you write on here or are you such a loser that it is all you have to hold on to.

          26. Philip K Freeman

            Blm & gov are out of control shut them down till we elect a decent chief.

          27. Philip K Freeman

            blm are the REAl terrorists.

          28. Philip K Freeman

            Would you stop for a known ambush with fbi snipers in trees ?


            Philip K Freeman

            The real terrorists ambushed & murdered LaVoy Finicum.

    2. 2.2


      yep only laws that were broken were that if the FBI or Des chutes Police force as what’s been reported of who all LEO was there that day. Was them murdering Lavoy with his hands up no doubt. Plus countless other laws they broke along the way. Illegal, or immoral road block that was on a blind corner, they only do that when their getting ready to kill someone to begin with. Now they’re telling lies to the public about what mess they left the refuge in. Gaven Siem has a video on it debunking their crappy news story to begin with. Lavoy was the one who was showing the public just how deplorable the Govt was storing Indian artifacts. That damage was already done before any occupiers were even there.

      1. 2.2.1


        Since you think that the Deschutes County Police were present when Lavoy was shot – let’s just say you are a very low information patriot. Not to mention the other lies you mention as ‘immoral road block”. Carry on and don’t let facts get in the way or your anger.



          here ass hat read this:
          pay special attention to the linked documents on that page. in particular Finicums autopsy report, and officer interviews involved on that.
          I’d also want to have you listen to this audio from a current acting LEO. and click the links on that page that goes to OSP’s own site for roadblocks.
          better yet here. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/article/526054
          also better too is this.
          next you think your smart count to ten then look in the mirror and notice NO your really not! first, then reply to someone who doesn’t do the amount of research I do before opening your mouth.

  9. 1


    Gold Butte National Monument! It’s called poetic justice Carol. You’ll have a nice view of the monument from your ranch, if it doesn’t get repossessed to pay grazing fees and legal fees. I’m afraid Cliven will never see the monument.

    1. 1.1


      Pay up and good riddance.

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