Do you want to buy the very first GhostGunner ever made??? For only $2
Do you want to use it to make your very own Ghost Gun???
Here’s how:
Contest Rules:
We will be judging your submitted pictures of our artwork other’s have spray painted on walls. There have been more and more sightings of these street art pieces showing up around Texas and we want to highlight the work. We are asking you to only take pictures of the street art that people put up using our provided stencils. The best picture, biggest size piece and location of artwork will go into the final judgement call. We want to see those pictures roll in. You may submit as many as you wish.
We will run this contest leading up to our first show debuting on the
Contest ends October 1st
Judging will be announced as The Dont Comply Show first episode airs.
Stencils For Contest:
9-11 Terrorism
Dont Obey Bad Laws
*The purchase of the Ghost Gunner machine is temporary and comes with the stipulation that it will then be sold back after one completed lower is finished. Buyer supplies their own lower. Afterwards you will own your own completed Ghost Gun lower that was produced by the infamous first machine that has manufactured guns in front of the Austin Capitol and featured at many of our events. This machine will one day be in a museum. and all of it’s employees are not promoting street art, spraypainting walls or graffiti of any kind. The contest is for picture taking only. Winner will have to travel to Plano and complete all work on lower 80% lower on location. Machine will stay at same location for the duration.