Patrick Smith delivers a much needed message for everyone that has been put off center by the whirl wind of events this week. We all know things can not continue with the status quo, but whe... Read more
NORWALK, Ohio: Since 2010 Jacob Frost has been involved with police accountability. He got inspired to become an activist by seeing other people being mistreated, unjustly kidnapped and sev... Read more
HOUSTON, TEXAS: Back in May of this year the ACLU filed a lawsuit against the city of Houston’s draconian ordinances. These violations of human rights made it illegal for people to sle... Read more
In the eyes of a minor judicial officer Joe Licata, who is classified as a public servant, poor people who can’t afford the ton of bricks being stacked upon them and continuously get t... Read more
A sparsely viewed Presidential Speech was aired. Executive Orders were given by a man who has often promised to implement his will without Congress’s approval. Quietly the Task Forces... Read more
As with any good news organization, an unbiased presentation and end goal of presenting facts and transparency are paramount. was handed these previously unreleased documents... Read more
All the talk of campaign finance reform that we’ve heard from the mouths of some politicians and the talking heads in the media has come to fruition. Another money grab disguised again... Read more
Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz introduce the “Back the Blue Act” in response to Dallas Police Chief David Brown’s request to make harsher penalties for someone who targe... Read more
If you can’t see it with all the current events lately, you might be blind. Did you already forget about Hillary Clinton’s emails? She was let go free of no charges after her ema... Read more
HUNT COUNTY, TEXAS: Kirk Grady just happened to possess some land in Hunt County before he sold it 14 years ago. the property in question had a pile of firewood on it, and now the county wan... Read more