The Obama administration lost a crucial legal battle on July 18 when a federal court ordered the White House to release previously withheld information on Operation Fast and Furious to the g... Read more
Texas –-( On Sunday July 26th 2014, CATI (Come and Take It) conducted a walk through downtown Austin to raise awareness for the current restrictions on gun rights in Texa... Read more
The Center for Immigration Studies has released an analysis of the House Leadership’s border bill. The analysis concludes that while the spending provisions are more focused on repatr... Read more
A federal jury on Tuesday found in favor of former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura in the defamation case he brought against “deadliest sniper in US history.” The panel came to a decision a... Read more
In a town with only 926 residents, the proposed Abraham Lincoln Transitional Lodge would house 3,500 illegal immigrants. Associated Press- CLINT — Authorities are considering a bid to build... Read more
The more than 5,000 Americans protesting illegal immigration who mustered in Boston this past Saturday as part of the more than 300 protests held across the nation since July 18 have raised... Read more
Landmark Legal Foundation today asked Federal District Judge Royce Lamberth to sanction the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for destroying or failing to preserve emails and text messag... Read more
There’s probably never been a time when humanity wasn’t collectively in a torment and uproar about what its young folk were up to. (Gur to Urp, 10,000 B.C.: “Can you believe how short the gi... Read more
Outlaws Russian-made AK-47 rifles with stroke of his unconstitutional pen. Obama exploited the conflict in Ukraine to target the importation of the popular AK line of firearms manufactured b... Read more
A Fox News exclusive reported this morning by Jana Winter inexplicably buried the lede. Winter reports that several dead children have been discovered “washed up along the riverbank” of the... Read more
A rash of animal shootings by police officers nationwide has law-enforcement agencies running for cover amid growing public outrage that could force state legislatures to require greater acc... Read more
The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that police cannot go snooping through people’s cell phones without a warrant, in a unanimous decision that amounts to a major statement in favor of privacy... Read more