ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI: A brand new governmental tyrannical tool that adds to the grand collection of their human right’s violating arsenal. While millions of American’s are alread... Read more
Today, in the State of North Carolina, federal tyranny reared its ugly head – again. Beth Chelle Austin, a Lady Patriot, made the difficult decision to surrender herself to the FBI for... Read more
A video was released of a Texas police officer body slamming a middle school girl in the sixth grade. The incident occurred on March 29th where two students at Rhodes Middle School began arg... Read more
MAGNOLIA, TEXAS: A dictatorial principal has enacted a policy that restricts walking your child to school and she even had the bike racks removed from the campus to block students from ridin... Read more
The recreational vehicles, campers, and tiny houses have become a more affordable and preferable choice in low-income or a reason to not be taxed as much by owning a home. People on the go o... Read more
It was reported in Austin, Texas that Geoffrey Freeman, a 10 year veteran police officer and former member of the Austin Police Department, was not only “suspended indefinitely” (code for fi... Read more
PLAINS, MONTANA: Jake Ryan has made the decision that the overreach from the Federal Government has gone to far. Simply being with his fellow protesters at The Malheur Wildlife Refuge duri... Read more
The Freedom Fighters that were headed to see the Constitutional Sheriff in the next county on January 26th of this year, were overcome using the L-shaped ambush. The recent video depicts the... Read more