A sixteen year old and two fifteen year old girls died in a car accident as they fled from a police officer in a stolen car. Dominique Battle, Ashanti Butler and Laniya Miller lost control d... Read more
DALLAS TEXAS: The City of Dallas just can’t stop with their war on poverty, they’re already planning to tear down some small homes and throw people on the street just because the... Read more
DALLAS, TEXAS: Hinga Mbogo who has owned and operated Hinga’s Automotive Company in Dallas, Texas now for 30 years is coming to an unexpected end. Dallas has started to phase out some... Read more
BEAUMONT, TEXAS A cell phone video has caught an educator pummeling a student in the head several times and calling him an “idiot ass”. Mary Hastings, a public school teacher at... Read more
Dontcomply.com was well represented Sunday at the Texas Oathkeepers Summit in Dripping Springs, Texas. When our very own Matthew Short took the stage to calmly belt out a Freedom rant, it wa... Read more
DALLAS, TEXAS: The City of Dallas are taking the initiative and claiming that five small houses on Clarendon drive, aren’t suitable enough for humans to live in.The city will seek a court o... Read more
A video was released of a Texas police officer body slamming a middle school girl in the sixth grade. The incident occurred on March 29th where two students at Rhodes Middle School began arg... Read more
Gestapo District 7 DPS with another notch in their belt. Travis Kuenstler being arrested with a Toy Cap Gun. What will the ” Open Carry” Governor’s henchmen do next? As the... Read more
When we are out training, we always have a certified EMT Basic or Paramedic with us. It’s quite common to see first responders wanting to be involved with the militia, its natural. So... Read more
I train… irregularly, but at least once a month. If you are new to this, the militia is simply a gathering of interested people. Some of us voted Obama, some Bush, some don’t vot... Read more