MISSOURI: Ron Calzone a citizen activist from Dixon, was simply doing his regular good deed and using his right to petition the government when the Missouri Society of Government Consultants finally had its fill of these unregistered citizens who can just walk in and put them on notice or god forbid hold them accountable for anything. This professional association of lobbyists who rub elbows, with legislators on a regular basis and are even in bed with some as well are just there to serve for their place in the hallways and back rooms of the state legislature.
This wasn’t the first time that Ron Calzone a small business owner and rancher has peacefully confronted lawmakers to engage in some of his usual topics that are so dear to him. Subjects like free markets, limited government, and individual liberty. He always finances his own transportation to get there, volunteers his time, and has never received any kind of payment and will damn sure not give politicians any gifts except for his knowledge. Mr. Calzone has never registered as a lobbyist.
His free speech is now under attack. A complaint was filed against him to the Missouri Ethics Commission. Which is a violation of state transparency laws. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit agreed with the Missouri Ethics Commission In a 2-1 ruling. The court found that Calzone was participating in lobbying, Saying that state transparency law translates that even an unpaid regular citizen must fill out registration paperwork and file frequent lobbying reports. In a little digging, I discovered a possible source for the target on his back. It might be his membership to a non-profit group called Missouri First that believes in state sovereignty and receives no financial resources. One of their main *complaints* is that the UN Flag flies prominently at the University of Missouri in Columbia. Their website states, “It is clear that the UN is not a benign association of sovereign nations simply promoting the common welfare of those nations. It has taken on a life of its own – the tail is wagging the dog – maybe to the destruction of our self-determination. Considering the importance and significance of flags, we must ask, “Is it right to fly the flag of the United Nations over the most eminent university of our great state?”.”
The court ruled “Though the lobbyists may not be receiving money, unpaid lobbyists could still offer things of value to legislators, creating a sufficiently important governmental interest in avoiding the fact or appearance of public corruption. Furthermore, the government and the public have a sufficiently important interest in knowing who is pressuring and attempting to influence legislators, and the ability to pressure and influence legislators is not limited solely to paid lobbyists.”
These men and women in robes ignore the enumerated right for redress of grievances, that is supposed to be guaranteed to everyone, that’s what is says in the U.S. Constitution. The same liberty is also etched in Missouri’s constitution. Both are obviously tattered and torn through usurpation and ignorance. “The freedom of speech and the freedom to petition those in power regarding the laws that will govern society are two of the most basic rights in our constitutional system,” said David Roland, Director of Litigation for the Freedom Center of Missouri. “The Eighth Circuit decided today that those rights may be set aside even where there is no conceivable risk of corruption or the appearance of corruption. This was a tremendous error, and we will seek further review in order to correct it.”
The Eighth Circuit ruling is an embarrassment, are the really going to make grade school students who want to write their Governor or State legislators get registered? What about journalists? Stepping up to talk to these tyrants face to face i guess makes their lucrative, laid back jobs a bit more difficult. Just like any other profession when you have the tools to make your job easier you use them. In this case, the tools of tyranny are pulled from their desks in the form of money, back door deals, and kick-backs. That is hard to counter, unless the citizens utilize their translation of whats left of the usurped founding document. The founding fathers would’ve marched on that court with the 2nd amendment on their side partnered with expulsion on their mind. At least one of the judges who doesn’t want his blood refreshing the tree of liberty said in his lone dissent. Judge David Stras wrote that the ruling “endangers the free exchange of ideas.” He sees the broad expanded definition stretched wider by his fellow judges will also apply to citizens who make travel to the state capitol the “lobby days,” dates that were scheduled for advocacy groups, activists, to petition their lawmakers. This will also be a back door surveillance tactic to require the pro-gun and other groups who testify against bills to relinquish their personal information just to use their voice.
The true tyrannical peril is within his dissent. It is the ease of drawing ethics complaints like arrows from a quiver.
Stras wrote, “Indeed, a political adversary, an unscrupulous government official or even a legislator tired of being held accountable could simply submit a complaint to the [ethics] commission accusing a politically active citizen of lobbying … without first registering as a lobbyist,” “It may just be simpler for a citizen to skip a lobbying day or pass up the opportunity to call a legislator rather than having to complete tedious paperwork or risk sizable fines and criminal penalties.”
It looks like this will head to The Supreme Court next, it has been awhile since they’ve seen one of this kind. 1954’s United States v. Harriss, was the most recent. Where SCOTUS actually restricted the range to the federal statute to only apply to “those who for hire attempt to influence legislation or who collect or spend funds for that purpose.” Since that ruling no attempts have been made to go against this case-law, but Missouri did and were victorious. They basically told Calzone, and all other so-called free men and women to shut up and kiss their ass and that THEY are the rulers.
By: Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com