Sarasota, Florida: Marie Louise Sikorski has called her house home after having lived in it for most of her life. Her humble abode on Webber Street is full of life-long memories. The nosey neighbors called the city to ask for help so she could get some minor repairs done, but instead the code enforcement folks wrote her up for a handful of victimless violations.
So now they’ve levied a mountain of fines on her property that she says totals close to $150,000. With her fixed income at $1,000 a month, and her only family members living on the west coast, she’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. Sikorski says, “Our daughter started the 6th grade when we bought this house, I can’t see any reason it would be condemned, it’s still a good house.”

Marie Louise Sikorski –
Then with a stroke of luck another neighbor, 30-year-old Miles, came to her rescue with another example of Voluntaryism.
He said. “I saw a situation that looked desperate, she didn’t have any help, and it didn’t feel right. I couldn’t just walk away from it.”
After learning about her dilemma he started repairing her home which included frequent 16 hour days, all voluntarily and no out-of-pocket expense for Mrs. Sikorski. Fast forward 2 and a half months, her home is transformed into a remodeled beauty, but officials in the big bad city are still frowning upon her property and have imposed a $500 a day fine.
The rule in many cities, including Sarasota states that remodeling work be completed by a “licensed” contractor, unfortunately Miles does not have a permission slip from the state to repair houses. The city spoke up and released this statement, “At this point we will continue to see that the code standards are met, there is no “harassment” occurring.”
Just outside Dallas, Texas there is a small unincorporated town called Sand Branch which hasn’t had running water for decades, the city has come in and condemned homes left and right. There have been many volunteers that have offered help to repair their homes to prevent the city from seizing them. But with the same oppressive fashion, the Dallas planning and development mentions at the end of this report that they are not allowed to perform any repairs to improve their homes and if they do they will lose them.
Miles did his duty by defying what the city has said and erected a few signs to place in Sikorski’s front yard to educate the public about the local tyranny.
Miles reiterated his disgust with the city, “The letter of the law says to fine her 500 dollars a day, but then when you look at the reality of the situation, a 90-year-old widow doesn’t have any help or family. There should be a program in place for people like this.”
Mrs. Sikorski emotionally exclaimed, that she’s forever thankful for all the work that Miles has done and will never forget it. “I can’t say all the things that he’s done, I mean he’s helped so much, I hate to see him leave.” Instead of issuing demerits and stealing people’s money with the threat of violence, just draw up a public notice asking for volunteers to assist her, it will work and the peace and unity of the community will grow stronger. Just like this story in a town near Waco, Texas, where four brothers voluntarily mowed the yard of and elderly woman so she wouldn’t be arrested for unpaid fines for her grass being to high. Strong arming citizens into draining their bank accounts while using the threat of property seizure as a remedy for homes that are less palatable or an eye sore for the tactless city officials, is an instant way to gain enemies and ignite resistance.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza –
Joseph Edward Bodden
I don’t know the regulations and ordinances of Florida, but in California any job that is not contracted for more than 150 dollars does not require a contractors license… if this man is doing the work at no charge and the inspector passed on the safety of the work, the State should butt out and STFU. I saw one project divided up into sections, an exterior porch on a mobile home, it was built free standing (no building permit required for a free standing porch not attached to the mobile home), the porch was 150 dollars and the steps and flower racks were a separate contract for … 150 dollars. I plead the fifth on who did that work LOL.
Joseph Edward Bodden
always read the laws the bureaucracy is using against you, use a dictionary if you need to… pin them down on particulars. I have seen them generalize the Hell out of things just to bluff people out of money or property.
Soul-Store Storing Our Encount
now you know who the true terrorist are in the USA they are the city extortionist, stealing USA citizen property taking authority over their property and if you do not conform to their demands, they will force you out of your home and put you in jail , this happen in Muskegon County Michigan USA, I lead to believe the Nazi party, or Mafia has taken over the USA from within every city of the USA. Now that you know who the true terrorist are, will you raise arms against them to kill those terrorist taking over America.
Richard Ratliff
If anyone thinks government has either common sense or compassion, think again! It’s a cruel world we live in when some people decide they govern (not represent) the rest of us!
Jackie Nigro
This needs to go viral in email and all social media. Stop the insanity and leave this woman alone. Lets all pass this around as many times and we can.
Frederick Rick Stralow
Good story Andre! I am sure there are many other stories just like this one. I know the government at all levels is “OUT OF CONTROL” and this is just another example. I am glad there are people that are sharing and using the wild wild web (www) for good. We can all do something for an elder. #Stradog in Gun Barrel City, Texas with Citizens Action Network, We The People-United, Texas Revolution, Lone Star Statement and Justice for Texas #Freedom2020 #All41 #OperationV
Glad people are standing with her.