About the author

Murdoch Pizgatti

Co-Founder @ DontComply.com Murdoch Pizgatti is a voluntaryist that participates in activism of all shades. President and founder of Come And Take It Texas he has been focusing on gun rights the last two years. As the Co-founder of DontComply.com he deals with the corruption of the state and heads up programs to rally against the unjust and unconstitutional laws in the USofA.

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  1. 5


    Are ya’ll aware that there are felons, who are prohibited from even being around firearms, at these protests? This I think could hurt your movement, and bring unwanted negative attention from law enforcement…

  2. 4

    Paul D. Perry

    I enjoyed the open carry event in Waxahachie yesterday. Constable Jones, after further investigation , now believes that he was given bad information at has conference in Austin. There does NOT appear to be any change made by the legislature to our current long gun open carry law.

  3. 3


    Mike Mis-spoke or was Lied to by JPCA either way I’m sure he will make sure its corrected, SB299 only refers to consealed carry, not open carry.

  4. 2

    Aaron Diggens

    I was all about TJ until the open carry remark dealing with your making yourself a target by open carrying. It’s with that attitude is what scare people even if they have the right to NOT open carry.

  5. 1

    Matthew Pizgatti

    I don’t see long guns mentioned in that bill at all.

    1. 1.1

      Aaron Diggens

      I see this officer is poorly informed OR there is a change to the bill that has not been publicly published.

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