Today our crooked Congress is debating and possibly voting on adding some provisions to the Patriot Act.
H.R.5606 was introduced by Republican Representative Robert Pittenger, who’s in his second term in Congress.
The Bill was filed on June 28th and is Cosponsored by 6 other members of Congress, 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats.
After horrific events in Dallas and many other cities around our country, you can bet our government is going to use that, as an excuse to take more freedoms. You can clearly see that here with H.R.5606.
If you look at the text of the Bill you can see small changes and words being added. This is how our government will take freedoms. Slowly, by adding words or making minor changes to expand their control and authority.
Here are the changes being made. Look closely! [adinserter block=”3″]
(A) by striking “terrorist or money laundering activities” and inserting “terrorist acts, money laundering activities, or a specified unlawful activity (as defined under section 1956(c)(7) of title 18, United States Code)”; and
(B) by striking “activities that may involve terrorist acts or money laundering activities” and inserting “activities that may involve terrorist acts, money laundering activities, or a specified unlawful activity”; and
(2) in subsection (c), by inserting “or a specified unlawful activity (as defined under section 1956(c)(7) of title 18, United States Code)” after “terrorist acts or money laundering activities”.
(b) Update to regulations.—Section 314(a) of the USA PATRIOT Act (31 U.S.C. 5311 note) is amended by striking “or money laundering activities” each place such term appears and inserting “, money laundering activities, or a specified unlawful activity (as defined under section 1956(c)(7) of title 18, United States Code)”.
(c) Sense of Congress.—Section 314 of the USA PATRIOT Act (31 U.S.C. 5311 note) is amended by adding at the end the following:
“(e) Sense of Congress.—It is the sense of the Congress that, in furtherance of efforts to stop the financing of terror and other forms of illicit financing through increased sharing of information, and consistent with the need to prevent inappropriate dissemination of such information.
“(1) Federal law enforcement agencies and regulators should share information about terrorist activities, money laundering activities, and other specified unlawful activities (as defined under section 1956(c)(7) of title 18, United States Code) to the fullest extent possible and in a timely fashion; and
“(2) financial institutions, including nonbank financial institutions, should share information about such acts and activities with each other to the fullest extent possible and in a timely fashion.”.
This allows the IRS to capture everyone’s financial transactions all the time. No warrant needed.
It allows government to expand its warrantless searches on private businesses and private citizens even more.
If the proposed amendments get voted through, government will have access to watch all of your financial transactions.
I contacted Justin Amash for comments but he has not responded. He did however put out this Tweet.
Amash, one of the very few good people we actually have in Congress is 100% correct about this.
Want to contact your representative and don’t know who it is, or how? Click Here.
I will update this article after this is resolved.
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By Kory Watkins –