In America’s largest city the Department of Health is unleashing an all-out barrage on mosquitoes in what officials say will be a humid and damp summer. The target is the Zika virus, they are calming residents by issuing statements to the effect that it is not branching out in the city. They announced that the local mosquitoes are only spreading diseases like the West Nile Virus. The mosquito season has begun so in the guise of safety the city will spray a larvicide mist for three days at about 24 different areas to include the Bronx, Queens, Staten Island and Brooklyn.
The claim from the crop duster controllers is that they will use an “environmentally friendly” larvicide with the intent to kill the mosquito larvae. Pix 11 questioned citizens in Marine Park, and Brooklyn and they were relieved that the city is doing something about it.
A few who are questioning the chemical dispense operation are skeptical about the ingredients and how harmful the chemicals might be on the populace. The news clip details a more safe and cleaner way to combat the mosquito eggs by simply stocking area ponds, lakes, and streams with fish that will eat the larvae. Daniel Cicolello who was standing beside his pregnant wife, expressed his worry because the mosquito-borne Zika virus taints the pregnancy by causing encephalopathy in the unborn. Disturbing the fetus with other birth defects is not uncommon and it’s not considered dangerous for most people.
Local Health officials reported that there have been 78 cases of the virus diagnosed in the city, but tried to ease the public by saying that all the patients have completely recovered. With Plum Island just a few miles away from the tip of Manhattan this will not be the first time that experiments like this have taken place. The animal disease center houses a multitude of pathogens from all around the world and conducts tests on innocent animals. The always up for debate Chemtrail discussion is a continuously ongoing subject about the chemicals released into the air by aircraft. The cause for concern should be more apparent and widespread but I guess they’ll just sit back and trust what the government is purposely spraying upon them.
The aerial assault is scheduled to begin Thursday morning at 6 a.m.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza –
It says ‘controversial larvicide’, but doesn’t say which larvicide it is, or any thing else other than the headline.