Dallas Texas: This past Saturday DontComply.com along with our Sister activist group Come and Take it Texas held an open carry rally in Reverchon Park specifically the Katy Trail, a walk and jog path that has recently been scrutinized for a series of violent attacks on a few of our fellow human beings.
Armed robberies, crazed machete wielding madmen, and physical attacks, are becoming a common occurrence in Dallas City Parks. This armed protest took place due to the ridiculous request by the Police Department for their citizens not to carry a firearm as a defensive weapon in the parks. By suggesting the public to be unarmed in a time where there are undesirables looking for the chance to pounce on helpless victims is a hypocrisy and unknowingly issuing death sentences to the citizens that they serve.
While on the other hand highly popular Sheriff David Clarke in Milwaukee, and Detroit police chief James Craig are encouraging their citizens to arm themselves for personal protection. In a life or death situation your gun is seconds away and the police need a phone call and usually double-digit minutes to arrive and attempt to save your life.
Rally organizer, Murdoch Pizgatti just wants everyone to be able to arm themselves and not to be sitting ducks like the people in Paris, Fort Hood, and other places where a criminal has an advantage. We the People have unalienable right to our Life and to protect it however we choose.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
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