Tensions have been building for the last two years between large gun control groups and gun rights activist. The reason I label the gun control groups bullies is based on the tactics they use, and how they even exist in the first place. In all fairness I am a Co-Founder of one of the gun rights groups know as Come And Take It Texas (CATI), but I would like to lay out the main difference behind these conflicting views.
The first thing to examine is how these sorts of organizations get started in the first place. A few front runners on the gun control side are Moms Demand Action (MDA) and Everytown for Gun Safety. These groups must buy legitimacy by spending millions. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg alone is using over $50 million towards his Everytown movement. While MDA which is also partly funded by Bloomberg has a more shady background.
The media has led us to believe that a random stay at home mom know as Shannon Watts started MDA the day after the Newtown shootings although we have slowly seen the truth move to the surface. Before she was the front for MDA she was known as Shannon Troughton the founder of a public relations firm VoxPop Public Relations, LLC. What we actually have is an entire made up outraged mother story that just happen to have a fully scripted media launch campaign ready to go the day after the Newtown School Shootings. As a woman who spent years dealing with press relations of companies such as GE and Monsanto she must have figured whining about a guns for a bit would be an easy way to make a few million off Bloomberg and his other council of Mayors.
Not that hiring a firm to push your agenda is out right evil, the main point in knowing the facts of how these groups come about is acknowledging that they have no true support of their gun control agenda. Myself being thrust in the world of media via this site and doing public relations working with CATI I quickly realized the amount of money being spent to push out the gun control agenda. Doing what Shannon Troughton is an expert at, she is basically running an elaborate press relations campaign. The reason you see the same few stories on every news channel is because there are news services that feed stories to the media and for a group like MDA to publish to these services it can cost thousands of dollars per release. In turn the media then picks up these pre-made stories and reports on them, there by giving legitimacy to it in the public’s eyes. So the public might then think there is actually a large group in America fighting for gun control in reality it is one over reaching Mayor with a lot of money.
This is where the delusion comes in to play, There are groups such as these in most political agendas that act as if they matter, act as if they have support from Americans but it’s just not so. They all play the same game of trying to appear as a creditable source using media and mass amounts of money from the left to prop themselves up. The same leftist that pretend to hate the rich I might add, happily take millions to fund their agenda or to attack those that appose them.
On the flip side of this Come And Take It Texas has had less than a few thousands of dollars pass into its organization in the last two years to fund its agenda. When you actually have real grassroots, mass support from the public, supporters that take time out of their life, drive across the state just to be present at events, then surprisingly you do not need millions to make real change.
Unlike the MDA, gun rights groups across this country do not need contrived media coverage every week claiming that they are winning, we see it at every event where our supporters did not need to be paid to be present (Unlike Bloomberg’s Supporters). When politicians create legislation to reach our vote (H.B. 195) without requiring back room dealings and a small fortune from a lobbyist. The great pendulum of public support is always swinging back and forth, I don’t claim to know the precise out come of the future of this country. I do know the old trusted propaganda methods of the past used by those that what to control us are becoming outdated. They will need to drastically change course if they think we will be left helpless and disarmed for them to do as they wish.
By Phoenix Horton – DontComply.com