Chuck Rosenberg, the Acting Director of the Drug Enforcement Agency said on Tuesday that “heroin probably is more dangerous than marijuana.”
Rosenberg also stated that DEA agents are instructed not to prioritize the enforcement of Marijuana, but followed that up with that his henchmen have not specifically been ordered not to capture and cage persons for possessing the plant.
“If you want me to say that marijuana’s not dangerous, I’m not going to say that because I think it is, do I think it’s as dangerous as heroin? Probably not. I’m not an expert.” Rosenberg continued with “Let me say it this way,” he added, “I’d rather be in a car accident going 30 miles an hour than 60 miles an hour, but I’d prefer not to be in a car accident at all.”
The previous DEA head Michele Leonhart, who retired the unnecessary post back in May in midst of a scandal. She stuck to the scripted jargon ordered from above and adamantly described that all the illegal mind-alternates were equally bad, including cannabis in with meth, heroin, and crack cocaine.
Democrat Representative Steve Cohen from Tennessee said “That’s a great improvement over the previous administrator who was incapable of distinguishing heroin from marijuana, the real question that one day will be asked and correctly answered is: Is marijuana a more dangerous drug than alcohol?”
Dan Rifle, the director of federal policies for the Marijuana Policy Project, stated that “This is not a matter of opinion, marijuana is far less harmful than heroin and it’s encouraging that the DEA is finally willing to recognize that.”
Along with the passage of bills in several states allowing the use of Cannabis Oil to treat patients these Governor’s who are signing them into law are essentially admitting that Cannabis is a medicine. A clear weapon in the arsenal that can be utilized to argue the fact next time we ask for our freedom to use a plant that grows on our planet. As we can see Mr. Rosenberg is not an ‘expert’. In 2012 the medicinal value of cannabis was challenged in court, with the court saying that the DEA are the ‘experts’ on how to classify it and whether it has any medical value. It’s still under Schedule I classification that is reserved for the more potentially potent substances that the DEA believes have no medicinal value whatsoever, the list includes ecstasy, LSD. heroin and peyote. The Government sponsored study found that there are many benefits for marijuana and that it should be removed from the hit-list.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza –