Who’s panicking now? With his requests for these alarms to be installed in all lawmaker’s offices, this lawyer, Poncho Nevarez is now facing the spear of Liberty by it being uncovered that he more than likely broke the law. His dislike for being called out in his office by some members of open carry groups that requested his vote for pro 2nd Amendment bills being presented prompted him to request these extra safety features. Will these accusations bring down the gavel of Justice? The Texas Ethics Commission has received a sworn complaint for alleged Texas Election Code violations on February 2nd of this year by District 74 State Representative Alphonso “Poncho” Nevarez of Eagle Pass. The complaint alleges “Panic Button Poncho”:
1. Accepted multiple political contributions from corporations and labor organizations prohibited by sections 253.003 and 253.094 of the Texas Election Code,
2. Did not properly disclose on multiple campaign finance reports total political contributions maintained as required by 253.031 of the Texas Election Code,
3. Did not properly disclose on multiple campaign finance reports political contributions, political loans and political expenditures as required by section 254. 031 of the Texas Election Code and 20.61 and 20.62 of the Ethics Commission Rules,
4. Did not disclose on multiple campaign finance reports the principal occupation and job title and full name of the employer of each individual from whom he accepted political contributions that in the aggregate exceeded $500 during the reporting period as required by 254.0611 ( a ) 2 of the Election Code and
5. Converted political funds to personal use which is prohibited by section 253.035 of The Election Code.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
This guy is an idiot. How does people elect a corrupt liberal like him. Oh, Maverick county – that explains it.
Jake Barker
Dontcha just love it when karma jumps up and bites a deserving idiot on the ass?
What exactly is alleged. Whats the proof? This is lazy journalism.
There are 5 things that are alleged listed above, and it is the only information that had been released at the time of this post. Do you want us to make up more information to please you?
These stories just get dribbled out over time. I want to see swift justice for any offender. More often than not these stories are just to get people riled up. I didn’t see the list when I first read the story. Journalist used to dig. They used to work. now most of them are just there to further someones narrative. Boring!
I want journalist to work. Don’t wait for the D.A. to tell us. Dig! I did not see the list initially.
O.K. lets take number 5 for example. Converting funds for personal use. What is the specific accusation? Did he put gas in his wives car? Did he buy a new watch for his boyfriend? Pay his mortgage?
The exact allegations are at the end of the story, numbered 1 to 5. Reading comprehension problem perhaps? Or was the story updated after your comment? I don’t know.
Houston PinkPistols
The allegations are in plain english, proof is for a judge and jury not a news report. Please retake your civics course that you my have skipped.