Image Credit: gop.gov
Fake tears and the false fear mongering narrative that guns kill almost as many people as car accidents is vibrating through the minds of the subjects who absorb it. Repelling this latest dictatorial attempt to strip more of our Rights is essential to peek over the wall to catch a glimpse of Freedom. By encouraging other Americans snitch on each other when they think someone might, possibly, maybe, or could in the future get out their inanimate defense object and utilize it in a fashion that doesn’t please the status quo, is another notch in the King’s divide and conquer plan.
Our government can provide a menu and sell their inventory of weapons in a vast array of an increasing cache. All world-wide purchasers of heavy war machines, warheads, and hand-held ground weapons need is good ole’ money, no Identification, no background checks, Hell, just let us know what they need. The U.S. will provide free shipping anywhere across the globe. We’ll even supply video demonstrations of us using the weapons of war for our customers by bombing a Hospital, unloading rifles to our globe-trotting terrorist buddies in war-torn countries, collaboration with the nearby cartels over our southern border. Yet here in the good ole’ USA our leader wants it to be gun-free, his press spokesman even stated the other day that if we were a gun-free nation then we wouldn’t get attacked by terrorists.
[adinserter block=”3″]Our nation as a whole is experiencing less gun violence than it has in decades. This is the result of more people being armed, the facts are clear. California, Illinois, and New York are magnets for gun related crimes because the citizens are most likely unarmed due to the restrictions forced upon them. The solution to continue the downward spiral of gun crime is to increase the education of the most important tool that was the spring-board to our country’s foundation. Gun Education and lifting the restrictions for everyone is the solution, not taking them away. Constitutional Carry needs to be implemented in all Fifty States as soon as possible. “An Armed Society is a Polite Society”.

Murdoch Pizgatti
A wonderful breakdown and insight of the King’s orders to Congress by the Co-founder of Dontcomply.com, Murdoch Pizgatti.
Obama just laid out a 4 point plan in his Executive Action press conference right now.
1) Any person selling a gun as an individual that is actually in the business of selling guns must have Dealer licenses and all buyers must perform background checks.
*No number mentioned on how many gun sales qualify you as a dealer so it was left for interpretation, possibly selling two or more guns in a year might.
2) He is hiring more ATF agents
*We know how the war on drugs have done nothing to prevent drug use, only filled our prisons with millions of kids whose life was ruined over having the wrong plant in their pocket. Certainly a war on guns wont prevent or reduce gun violence.
3) 500 million dollars will be dropped into connecting mental health records to background checks and do more extensive probing into your personal life through doctors.
*There are ever-expanding reasons for the government to say you have a mental illness. You can even be labeled with a mental illness for disagreeing with the government. This is another way to get around due process and keep whoever they want from buying firearms.
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4) Put more into gun safety technology. He listed examples as fingerprint unlocking devices, GPS tracking built into guns and child safety triggers.
*It is proven that guns in lock boxes or guns rendered useless with difficult to remove trigger locks do nothing to help in preventing a violent attacker from harming you.
He then said the second amendment right needed to be balanced with your other rights, like the “right” to worship safely. When a politician says you need to balance a right with another right he means he wants to restrict one of your rights. He told many stories about people who have been murdered evoking emotional responses in the audience. He even shed a crocodile tear for the show. All in all he knows he doesn’t have the authority to enact these edicts so he encouraged congress and voters to help pass these measures.
To end the emotional fiction festival he spewed out lies about how almost as many people died with guns as in-car accidents.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
Mike tiffin
He is a fool, all I see is the worst president in the world trying to throw a hell Mary at the end of his game hoping his team can catch it, what he doesn’t know is that no matter what he does they won’t be collecting any guns from us at all, not without starting a fight that he seems to be trying to avoid.