Andrew McCracken
35 year old Alexander McCracken, and his then girlfriend Sharon Campbell engaged in these same sick and twisted fantasies of raping and murdering newborn babies.
Law enforcement authorities discovered more than 500 hardcore child porn and bestiality photos and images when they raided his house in Ayr, Scotland. The two inhumane lovers are now presumably looking at prison time after they confessed to three of the charges of possessing, sharing, and distribution of pornographic content containing young children.
During the raid the police officers confiscated the computer and smartphones in his home with some of the messages still recently on the smart phone saying they were breeding a ‘baby toy’ and would abuse it ‘as soon as it was born’. Scottish Cybercrime experts detected around 551 images and photos in a Yahoo Messenger chat file after the seizure in January 2014. A high percentage of the illegal photos and inappropriate activity was classified as category five which is the most vile and twisted in nature and was shared and forwarded to dozens of other alleged pedophiles between July 2012 and October 2013. Operating under the handles of ‘sleazyperv79’ and ‘NepicoupleUK’ the chat files contained hours of chats revealing content of severe pedophilia nature which included the rape and murdering of newborn babies. Several correspondences also stated the intent of pregnancy to have their own baby to abuse. One message that really stood out to investigators that was found on McCrakens’s computer was “Oh i would deffo rape a little baby girl” the unknown recipient of the comment returned would your girlfriend let you do that? the reply was “it’s the wife typing for me lol“. Later in the chat ‘sleazyperv79’ wrote “Three month old getting molested… I hope he snuffed her eventually.”
Prosecutor John Bradford said: “The chat indicates that the user has a predilection to violently sexually abuse these infants to death, or allow others to do so.” Bradford also commented “The images obtained are predominantly of young girls, with the majority being newborn babies and toddlers with a few up to about the age of eight.” The National Online Child Abuse Protection Service were the first to discover the couple’s indecent activities and immediately contacted the local authorities.
Alexander McCracken, who is a Father with a 10-year-old son, worked with the Strathclyde Police Department for nine years before being exposed as a swinger and a bisexual prostitute in 2010 earning up to 400 pounds a night reported by the Daily Record. McCracken’s attorney Jill Malloy said he has complied completely with his strict bail requirements including no unsupervised contact with females under 16 and also no internet utilization unless the search and browse history was locked. Also he was fired from his factory job as a production worker.
39 year old accomplice Sharon Campbell who cared for the elderly with mental health problems in Ayr, Scotland is supposedly no longer in a relationship with McCracken. Peter Lockhart, Campbell’s lawyer, said: “This is a frankly shocking and appalling offence and she recognizes that. She has co-operated fully throughout and there is no getting away from it that a custodial sentence must be uppermost in your mind.”
Sheriff Scott Pattison has requested all the findings and reports to be presented to him before the sentencing next month. He said: “These offences are of the utmost seriousness. You are fortunate you have been prosecuted in the sheriff court.”
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com