There is a little slight of hand trickery going on down at the capital. We’ve called and emailed against the Tebow bill but now they’ve voted to suspend Senate Rule 7.07(b) to permit the introduction of new bills and snuck this one in with a new number and new authors. So PLEASE CALL or email once again to STOP the Tebow Bill. You can find out more info at www.no2tebowbill.com why we oppose this bill. And you DON”T HAVE TO HOMESCHOOL to call in opposition to this bill. And why we say trickery is because Nita Davidson was on a webinare call regarding promoting this bill and it was not mentioned that the bill number and authors have changed. Thanks for calling!!! ACTION ALERT: Get on the Phones! SB2046 is a new “Tebow Bill” that has been sent to the education committee. We are asking everyone to call SENATOR DONNA CAMPBELL at (512) 463-0125 and SENATOR VAN TAYLOR at (512) 463-0108 as well as the Senate Education Committee.
Larry Taylor – (512) 463-0111
Eddie Lucio, Jr. – (512) 463-0127
Paul Bettencourt – (512) 463-0107
Sylvia Garcia – (512) 463-0106
Don Huffines – (512) 463-0116
Lois Kolkhorst – (512) 463-0118
José Rodríguez – (512) 463-0129
Kel Seliger – (512) 463-0131
Royce West – (512) 463-0123
My previous article with more information. There is also a petition you can sign at https://www.change.org/p/larry-taylor-no2tebow-bill We do not want any standardized testing for our homeschool children, this is one of the main reasons why we chose to escape the system. This is a ‘foot in the door’ to more regulations, which are infringements on our Freedoms. Thanks to Nita Davidson for being on that webinare and giving us the heads up!