DALLAS, TEXAS: A 6 year old boy named James is under attack by his Pediatrician mother Anne Georgulas. She is attempting to change his gender against the wishes of the father and the little boy himself. Little James enjoys being a boy and is comfortable with his own gender. Somehow since the age of 3 his mother has changed his appearance by dressing him in girl clothes and calling him Luna. She has also gone as far as enrolling him in an elementary school as a girl. The teachers and faculty are aware of his correct gender but call him Luna by request of the mother. Young James is undergoing forced “social transitioning” therapy to prepare him for a chemical castration when he turns 8. The Father, Jeffrey Younger is fighting to protect his son, but his back is against the wall, he’s all alone. The mother has the financial backing that he doesn’t have. Jeff is desperately looking for help with legal fees and searching to find expert, and professional witnesses who will assist him in keeping his son safe. The court is mandating that Jeff foot the bill for the upcoming sexual mutilation of his son and all of the therapies that coincide with it. These judges have blocked Jeff from dressing James as a boy at school. He’s also prohibited from addressing him as a boy. The accusations of abuse are thrown at the dad for even stating that his son is a boy. This is a sad case, we have a father who wants his son to grow up on his own terms but is being constrained to do what the mother decides. A transformation of this kind has to be frightening thing for a 6 year old. Too bad that the mother could not wait until he gets older so he has more of a say so in what he wants to be. The biological father is most often fed to the wolves in these one-sided family courts.
A Brief story from the Scott Family who are very close friends of the Father. Joe, Sarah, Mackenzie, Grayson, Patton, Rowan and Lily.
“We met Jeff Younger a few years ago and became friends. He told us about his divorce, twin sons and a little about his concerns for his son James. This was due to some unusual circumstances involving his ex-wife telling James that he was a girl. We, like many others, listened but assumed that it was a miscommunication or just part of an ugly divorce that would eventually blow over.
We were wrong. As time went by things progressed and Jeff’s ex-wife began not only dressing James as a girl at home, but began to call him by the name Luna, began taking him to therapy with a self-proclaiming gender transition therapist and enrolled him in school as a “girl”.
When our kids finally met, they hit it off immediately and became the best of friends.
Jeff’s twin sons James and Jude are 6 and a half. Our 3 boys are 10, 7, and 4. They jumped in immediately and became like a part of the family. I think it would break these kids hearts to be separated now.
When at home with Jeff, and when spending time with our family, James thoroughly enjoys being himself. He chooses to dress as a boy and vehemently refuses toys, games and clothing that could be considered even the slightest bit feminine.
This summer Jeff and his ex-wife entered into a battle for full custody. She accused Jeff of abuse for not affirming James as a girl. Jeff has been enjoined by the court from discussing or affirming his son’s biological gender, and from sharing his thoughts and religious beliefs with him. He cannot use male pronouns or call his son by name in any public place where he might be known as “Luna”.
Even though James does not meet the criteria for gender dysphoria, (he is not consistent, persistent or insistent that he is anything other than his biological gender) his mother continues to encourage a gender transition, socially for now, and chemically, as soon as he is of age, which can be as early as 8 years old. These hormone blockers can cause serious damage including sterility and bone density issues.
As our lives became more intertwined with these children who are our children’s closest and dearest friends- we realized that we could not stand by while this was happening to this family.
If I was unable to speak out and protect my children, I would pray that someone would step up and fight in my stead. Jeff cannot fight to protect his sons, but we can and will.
We believe that James and Jude are suffering great abuse… and that is why I personally started this website, the funding sites, the Facebook page and YouTube channel.
It’s hard to believe that this could actually happen right where we live. But it is happening quite literally in our own backyard.”
Shockingly, Doctors do perform sex-change surgeries on children in Texas. Doctors also chemically castrate children as young as 8 years old, to suppress puberty and prepare children for sex-change surgery. Courts almost always force the non-custodial parent to pay for transgender therapy and sexual mutilation of their own children. If the parent objects, the courts can remove parental rights and incarcerate them. Public Schools are stuck with accepting the wishes of the custodial parent. –
Here’s the website to get more information
I talked to Sarah Scott who started the website to help Jeffrey Younger, and serves as a spokesperson for him, she stated: “Our goal is to protect James. Surprisingly we have actually received several emails from the LGBT community saying that they also are opposed to this being done to a child. We have tried to not use this as an issue that would cause fighting among people groups, but as an opportunity for people to come together to stand up for the protection of a child who is being abused and forced into a gender role that he does not understand and consequences that will affect his entire life and future. She continued, “We NEED a law: that will outlaw sex-change surgeries for children under age 18, outlaw chemical castration by puberty suppression for psychological treatment, while still allowing it for medical treatment and restrict courts from removing certain parental rights. No loss of rights for affirming the biological sex of a child, Never force parents to pay for transgender therapy of any kind, and Never find abuse for affirming a child’s biological sex.”
Here’s his YouTube channel. The savejames.com website has more information, petition, and a t-shirt to purchase to help the Father. Petition to the Texas Legislature. Petition to the White House.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
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