Join us December 7th, 2019 in Dallas, TX for the seventh annual event to warm the backs and the bellies of the homeless in Dallas. Bring food, winter clothes and blankets.
Dallas is still hiding behind their city ordinance to only allow people that jump through their silly hoops and pay for permission to feed the homeless. We will not reduce ourselves to asking if we are allowed to show compassion. We will be feeding the homeless and handing out coats and winter clothing.
Activists are encouraged to gather up or purchase winter clothes to include blankets, hygiene items, winter weight socks, beanies, jackets, gloves, and tents, and prepare for distribution.
Imagine if you were out in the cold. What would you want to wear?
Don’t forget to bring food. This will be similar to a pot luck dinner. Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish.
And yes, this is, as always, an Open Carry event.
Apart from feeding and handing out warm cloths for winter this year our goal is to also provide a sleeping bag for as many as the homeless as we can. We will be buying sleeping bags in bulk at a discounted price so any financial donations are greatly appreciated.
Donate Here – 100% of proceeds go to those in need.
The last couple years, we clothed hundreds, and prepared them for the winter. Let’s do this right again this year!
Dallas wants to remove these people from their camps , and the streets. We want to prepare them.
DON’T COMPLY, and feed the need this Holiday season.
Thank you to everyone who participates and donates to this event, Your generosity increases every year!
View our Feed The Need Video.