Is the new Measles scare an agenda to further pad the pockets of Vaccine companies, and or a designed sinister plan to create a divide between the inoculated and the freedom to choose not to? How convenient that Obama’s Immunity Wand is tapped on the shoulder of a soon to testify before Congress Federal Government Scientist. Dr. William S. Thompson a Senior Scientist and four other authors of a Vaccine vs. Autism study for the CDC National Immunization Program that was published in the Pediatrics medical journal back in 2004 concluded that there were no links between vaccines and autism.
Recent investigation by a Simpson University Professor Dr. Brian Hooker found out more about Dr. Thompson by recording one on one conversations in Oregon Hotel. These recordings unearthed the stunning revelations that the numbers were altered, patients were chosen carefully to make the tests favorable to the vaccines. Thompson sent a letter to then CDC Director Julie Geberding, in February 2004 explaining his concerns about the “problematic results” that correlate between the MMR vaccine and autism.
“I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African-American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data was collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.”
Gerberding is now VP of Merck after years of heading the Merck Vaccine Division. Hmmmm? why was nothing done or further investigated by the CDC at that time? Around the same time, a world renown gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield along with Professor John Walker-Smith and a team of Doctors studied the presence of the MMR vaccine in the intestines of 12 subjects. Thier conclusion was this “We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction. In most cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps, and rubella immunization. Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine.” Then the attacks came from several angles, by others in the medical community along with journalists. In 2012, Prof. Walker-Smith was exonerated after a lengthy trial funded by his insurance, something that wasn’t available to Dr. Wakefield. Justice John Mitting ruled that. “…both on general issues and the Lancet paper and in relation to individual children, the panel’s overall conclusion that Professor Walker-Smith was guilty of serious professional misconduct was flawed…The panel’s determination cannot stand. I, therefore, quash it.” Dr. Wakefield is still currently pursuing his defamation case against Journalist Brian Deer, Editor in Chief Fiona Godlee and the British Medical Journal for wrongly accusing him of fraud. Mark Blaxill, chairman of the Canary Party, offers up his thoughts: “Though justice has finally prevailed for Prof. Walker-Smith, the damage is done to him and his colleagues
In 2012, Prof. Walker-Smith was exonerated after a lengthy trial funded by his insurance, something that wasn’t available to Dr. Wakefield. Justice John Mitting ruled that. “…both on general issues and the Lancet paper and in relation to individual children, the panel’s overall conclusion that Professor Walker-Smith was guilty of serious professional misconduct was flawed…The panel’s determination cannot stand. I, therefore, quash it.” Dr. Wakefield is still currently pursuing his defamation case against Journalist Brian Deer, Editor in Chief Fiona Godlee and the British Medical Journal for wrongly accusing him of fraud. Mark Blaxill, chairman of the Canary Party, offers up his thoughts: “Though justice has finally prevailed for Prof. Walker-Smith, the damage is done to him and his colleagues has been incalculable. The UK government must investigate the corruption in the GMC, which has severely damaged the reputations of good, honest doctors.
Most of all, it’s outrageous that Dr. Andrew Wakefield has been vilified by government officials, vaccine manufacturers and physician organizations, and that the media has accepted these unfounded accusations uncritically.” So with that being said who are the true culprits of the cover-up? Well let’s start with the author of The London Sunday Times and the British Medical Journal hit pieces about the Wakefield/Walker-Smith team Brian Deer. He used the investigation company called Medico-Legal for information accumulation, this private company’s only source of income is the Association of British Pharmaceuticals. The result of his Big Pharma infused articles was a long hearing in the General Medical Council that took 217 days, the longest ever in which the parents of the 12 Children that praised the work of the Wakefield/Walker-Smith team were denied testimony the whole time. Eventually, The Lancet was compelled to retract Dr.Wakefield’s report in 1998. The GMC removed both Doctors Wakefield and Walker-Smith from practicing medicine in 2010.
Can a pharmaceutical funded schill can bring down two influential Pediatric doctors with the swipe of a pen? Absolutely, When your Editor in Chief and British Medical Journal have ties to the vaccine manufacturer Merck. Then you have a High Court Judge by the name of Sir Nigel Davis who would not permit parents to testify in the hearings, Well, his brother is a Board Member of The Lancet who published Wakefield’s original report, and GlaxoSmithKline a huge Pharmaceutical manufacturer of vaccines. Also on the board of GlaxoSmithKline is James Murdoch son of Rupert Murdoch owner of Fox News and editor of the Sunday Times, the publication that carried Brian Deer’s witch hunt with erroneous articles.
Now back to our side of the pond. in 2010 Lead researcher Stephen J. Walker. PH.D and a team from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina are examining 275 children with regressive autism and bowel disease – and of the 82 tested so far, 70 prove positive for the measles virus … the team’s leader, Dr. Stephen Walker, said: “Of the handful of results we have in so far, all are vaccine strain and none are wild measles. This research proves that in the gastrointestinal tract of a number of children who have been diagnosed with regressive autism, there is evidence of measles virus. What it means is that the study done earlier by Dr. Wakefield and published in 1998 is correct. That study didn’t draw any conclusions about specifically what it means to find measles virus in the gut, but the implication is it may be coming from the MMR vaccine. If that’s the case, and this live virus is residing in the gastrointestinal tract of some children, and then they have GI inflammation and other problems, it may be related to the MMR.” Boom! So all that hard work they did in the late Nineties was, in fact, precise. Then 2 former Merck virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, have witnessed first hand improper testing and false data to keep the 95% and above effective rate of the MMR vaccine required by law, if not then another manufacturer can take over the reigns with a better vaccine and break Merck’s monopoly.
In Alabama, Chatom Primary Care have lawsuits against Merck detailing that the price is too high because of their monopoly. So is this an opportune time to create a Measles scare that intertwines with the media pushing for debates about vaccines? With these deadly FDA approved recalled drugs all over the place, ER’s filled with Flu patients already injected with this years ineffective dose, the failed Gardasil HPV fiasco, and the rise in childhood illnesses there is an obvious awakening to the dangers of Pharmaceutical use in this Country. The CDC head Dr. Frieden is a Democratic minion once appointed by NYC Nanny State Mayor Bloomberg, then appointed to the CDC by Obama. The previous CDC head is now in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The FDA head is a former lawyer for Monsanto, I don’t see why all the trust in these entities is so common.
In 2011 The US Supreme Court upheld The 1986 National Childhood Vaccination Injury Compensation Act. A law pushed through with the all mighty dollar from Drug Companies, that protects them from liability due to death or injuries from the vaccines that they make. Before then it was too “unprofitable” to continue vaccine manufacturing due to the numerous amounts of injury lawsuits being filed. Instead of protecting the people of our Nation and demanding these Pharmaceutical manufacturers make a safer product, they would rather take the money and let the hazardous vaccines continue to be injected into the populous. What a brilliant play on their part, create a mass hysteria for the all loving Government to erode more liberties and open the door for mandatory injections to subdue a false panic. Then, just like their Evil Twin, Vaccine Companies will get the mandated money that the Insurance Companies receive.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza –
Thomas Pound
Nice piece
Do you have a link to the Stephen Walker quote? Would love to have it!
Andre Gabriel Esparza
Andre Gabriel Esparza
Andre Gabriel Esparza
here’s two links,, thanks for reading