A knee-jerk reaction to the unfortunate circumstance that happened in Charleston, South Carolina last summer is to require all gun owners to register their firearms with the State. This tyrannical 2nd Amendment violation is being filed by Democrat State Senator Marlon Kimpson, who also included another bill to ban semi-automatic rifles.
To soothe his constituents these bills are being slipped in with hopes of avoiding any blockades and come to fruition. Kimpson spewed his anti-gun rhetoric to the Charleston City Paper “We know from comparing our high rates of gun violence in the United States to the rates of other countries that it is possible to have a civilized society with far less shootings.”
On his website he comforts his supporters by making a stance to push gun control on everyone in his state just because the actions of one person. Looking for more inside information, I made several calls to a few State Senators and Representatives that were not returned so I dropped a line to the South Carolina Militia group on Facebook. The next day they had a former Lexington County Republican Chairman William ‘Bill’ Rentiers call me. He called to confirm that he seriously doubts that these absurd bills will get anywhere, stating that they will need some co-sponsors and have a mountain to climb to see the statehouse floor. He exclaimed his disgust with being one of four states to not have any type of open carry of guns in his state and that he has fought alongside others for years to secure constitutional carry in South Carolina but they always fall short. He went on to say that pro-gun bills usually get defeated by not even leaving committee and the same fate will result with this gun control bill.
Bill is a long time gun rights activist and is a State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) Concealed Weapons Permit Instructor, He told me that he tells his students frequently that “you should not lawfully have to take this class, you should not be forced to take them before you exercise your rights”. Rentiers continued ” I don’t recall ever paying any fees, taking classes or tests to attend the church of my choice, or to speak my mind, rights are rights!” Mr. Rentiers concluded with “As long as this unconstitutional law is in place, I’m going to do the best I can to get as many good people out there carrying as I possibly can. Because good people who carry is the only way to stop bad people who carry” With the help of Mr. Rentiers and his pro 2nd amendment counterparts we can count on them to knock down this anti-Freedom proposed law.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com