On November 16, 2016 a Town Hall Meeting on Education was held. Hosted by State Senator Don Huffines (R) Dallas, who is supporting this, with his guest, Ms. Randan Steinhauser. In these videos pay attention to what is clearly stated about the upcoming legislation. A backdoor infringement on our homeschool rights is underway. It’s not at all to late to stop this as the bill has not been filed yet.
Thanks to Nicki Truesdell a 2nd-generation homeschooler and mother of five. Truesdell is member of the Texas Home Educators Advisory Board, The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Review Crew for the source of this story and her break down of both videos. Her brilliant and eloquent insight is as follows:
“1) Current homeschoolers will not benefit from Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s) in Texas AT ALL, but WILL be affected. Only those currently enrolled in public school would be allowed to opt out of the PS and then choose to pay for homeschooling with ESA’s. The face of homeschooling in Texas would change forever. They would have to choose pre-approved, accredited programs. They would not support or approve “mom and pop” curriculua (small companies that thrive with the current homeschool community). The ripple effect of the new face of homeschooling will affect long-time, self-funded homeschoolers with accreditation rules, regulations, and testing requirements. Or “rigor” as some would say.
And yet, THSC supports this. So, THSC is not fighting for CURRENT homeschoolers in Texas; their eye must be on FUTURE homeschoolers.
2) Senator Huffines and Randan Steinhauser both played the class warfare card. They repeatedly said that only the rich have real school choice, and that only the rich can afford private schools or the luxury (LOL) of single-income lifestyles. You will all appreciate that one! They are using socialist talking points. THSC does the exact same. Terms like “it’s not fair” or “equal” are the opposite of choice and freedom. They lead to socialism.”
Education Savings Accounts programs are designed to function like this: The state deposits the money that it would have paid out to the student in a public school but instead they put it directly into a bank account that is supposed to be supervised by his or her parents or guardians. The total funds can range from $5,000 up to more than $30,000 a year, to pay for homeschooling, tutors, online classes, the books, fees for sports and extra curricular activities. The money can also be set aside for private school and college tuition. The wishy-washy Texas Homeschool Coalition (THSC) posted a statement on their Facebook page backing this kind of legislation. Of course, those who disagreed had their comments deleted and were blocked from posting on their page. How can they claim to represent the homeschooling community if they won’t listen or welcome feedback from the homeschooling community?
Funds would be redistributed to families via a Debit Card (Food Stamp type of card) w/ funds added quarterly.
$5200 -average
$6500 -if low income
$7800 -special needs
It was confirmed that if you as a homeschool family choose to participate in the Education Savings Account, your child will be subject to take and pass the state’s chosen assessment test. There is not an assessment test in the country today that is not aligned with Common Core. I put together a story explaining the true roots on the creation of public schools and why they are a mess. The further reasoning for the rise in homeschooling is apparent, it’s to withdraw from the state systems. Waving cash in front of some will lure them away from their original and most important decision to give their time to their kids in the first place.
The Republican Party of Texas DOES NOT support a Debit type LoneStar Card for education.
The Republican Party of Texas *does* SUPPORT *tax exemptions and/or credits.*
Education Saving Accounts are part of the “money follows the child” that is one of the top two important ingredients in school choice undermining. The other is data. Each student has a “financial backpack” and a “data backpack” that are pinned to them like a tattoo all they way through their school life. If a particular student wants to pursue a career that the data doesn’t show he or she will be successful at the money will be cut off. The top 2 components work together to guide the child into the direction that will meet the demands and requirements of the State to fill the jobs. Michigan has already created “work ready” communities to prepare and indoctrinate their students for the worker assembly line for that region. When the money follows the child, the State NOT the parents make the difficult choices about where the young man or woman will go next. This unfortunately is the goal in all 50 states. Read about Michigan’s “Work Ready Communities” HERE.
Chris Klicka, from the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) had this to say, “I am afraid the soul of the homeschooling movement is at stake. How we respond to charter schools and vouchers will determine the extent homeschooling remains free from government controls in the future. Freedom, I believe, is more important than “freebies.” This liberty is at risk if homeschoolers begin crawling back to the government to drink from the public trough.
As homeschoolers “yoke” together with the public schools through charter school programs, cyber schools, the public schools, and the state will once again dictate to us our curriculum, teacher qualifications, and methods. This is not idle conjecture. It is already happening.” The dire question now is, Isn’t this optional? – Amy, a Texas Homeschool Mom explains: “Regardless whether they are optional or not, Texas programs need to reflect and support the educational authority of the parent, especially where parents have maintained educational responsibility for their children. It has worked marvelously for 4-H for decades. Don’t fix something that ain’t broke.
For every “optional” program that is implemented, the state asserts more precedence of needing “control” of families and kids. We are seeing the yearly erosion of family rights in many areas of family law and CPS cases. Courts are taking kids for petty and ridiculous reasons, while claiming “educational neglect” and “abuse” and a variety of other excuses.
The masses just don’t see it, the ongoing progression to the aware is like a frog in water that is being slowly heated up. For the activists watchdogging the bills, cases, and families, the heat in increasing at a rapid rate.
“Optional” is how freedoms are eroded. Karen Braun from Spunky Homeschool has been an educational freedom watchdog for years says: “Speaking of a ‘valid diploma’ are homeschoolers aware that the FAFSA regulations were changed in Obama’s first term to require colleges to determine the “validity” of a high school diploma. And who do you think will be the one considered “valid” in Texas if this passes, the one who “opts in.” I call it the “soft consequences of non-participation” Those that play the game get the reward. Those that don’t, won’t. They are not “punished” for NOT opting in but they will not reap the benefits of those that comply.”
These Optional programs will still affect everyone. As always all we have to do is follow the money. If the state has approximately $5,000 in cash to offer per kid, a family with 3 kids could then would rake in about $15,000. That’s some flow of money, overnight, parents around the state who have never even thought about homeschooling their kids will see dollar signs and then strongly consider it. Obviously just like any other government handout, there will be abuse of these education dollars, and the kids will get left out. Then to one important thing, those who are accepting the money will be forced the endure the state required testing. Then, when the test scores do not add up, all homeschoolers will be scrutinized by way of the state, using the testing results as an excuse to intervene. Which in turn makes all homeschoolers prone to this government intervention and an infringement on our rights once again whether they accept the bait money or not. “Wherever liberty…has been destroyed, this has almost always been done in the name of some new ‘freedom’ promised to the people.” – FA Hayek.
The Texans for Education Opportunity said, ” a WHOLE YEAR in PUBLIC SCHOOL will be required of a student before their parent can apply for ESA/”school choice.” This is a Gigantic red flag, Texas Homeschool Coalition (THSC) are saying that this will assist homeschoolers. It was not designed for the families that are currently homeschooling their kids. This will definitely attract a lot of people who are not or who have never homeschooled before. It will no doubt gain new parents that have no clue of our current freedom, flexibility, and philosophical choice to teach what, when, where, and how we want. They will use it, they will be enamored with it, and vote for whatever will keep it going in the future. It’s just a continuation of the bloated welfare state that will add more laws, that will increase taxes, restrictions, and regulations on what we do with OUR kids. WE WON’T GET A SAY ANYMORE! and it will destroy everything that the homeschooling families have built for the past 30 years. Please call your State Senator and State Representative and tell them No! to School Choice, and No! Education Savings Accounts.
Find your State Representative
In Texas, nearly every major so-called conservative group and so-called conservative lawmaker supports this undermining of education. The list of groups and elected public servants who support ESA’s is long. Here are a few and their links:
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick
State Senator (and home school dad) Don Huffines
Texas Public Policy Foundation
The Cato Institute
Americans For Prosperity
The Heritage Foundation
Home School Legal Defense Association
Texans for Education Opportunity
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com
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