NORWALK, Ohio: Since 2010 Jacob Frost has been involved with police accountability. He got inspired to become an activist by seeing other people being mistreated, unjustly kidnapped and severely punished for victimless crimes. He started taking a stand. Expanding the decentralized Cop Block movement he formed Ohio Cop Block in his home state. As the dying down and or disinterest of these collaborations unfortunately declined, Jacob continued on his mission by launching the Norwalk, Ohio Wikileaks. They strive to expose snitches, corruption and all instances of these so-called authority figures that are out prowling the streets and constantly abusing their power. They like to keep tabs on these gang members by doing their own citizen background checks.
Mr. Frost learned of a shady cop by the name of Seth Fry from the Norwalk police department. He was a known evidence planter to make it easier to get more notches on his belt that receives praise and ultimately a rise in the ranks. It was also learned that he assaulted his girlfriend. Frost looked him up on to do a public and open records background check. Three months prior he released the background on another blue costumed authoritarian. But this time on November 19th, he released the information about another detective. Detective Seth Fry worked for the Norwalk, Ohio police department. Four hours before he released his findings, he was issued an arrest warrant, the crime? They charged him with intimidation. Which is a Felony in the third degree and can lead to living in a cold cage for up to 5 years. The next morning he woke up in a Huron county cell, and finally they sent someone in. Detective Ted Evans showed up a day later to mirandize Mr. Frost. After awhile of playing bad cop and interrogating Frost about drugs in the area that he didn’t know anything about, They scurried him back to his cell because they realized that they couldn’t get him to cooperate.
Later that afternoon around 4:15pm he was given an arraignment and was issued an unsecured bond because of his steady employment and history of appearing as instructed. Upon arriving home around 7pm that evening, He was graced with the presence of 7 law enforcement vehicles. They had obtained a search warrant for his electronics and any possessions that could be drug related. He tested positive for the medicinal herb in jail so that’s why he thinks they got the warrant to take more items from his home. After the razing the bandits escaped with 52 items which included 3 xbox consoles, an E-Cigarette, a stack of non-operable laptops, a few broken desktop computers, and as silly as it is they even seized the plastic wrapper from a magic eraser. They forgot the laptop on his bed, they left empty kratom bags and said nothing about a bong just sitting openly on the table. It was a direct retaliation for not cooperating and for recently chalking the jail. Seth Fry the officer who had his feelings hurt and claims that he’s being intimidated even “liked” his post about being arrested. His preliminary trial is on November 30th. During our conversation, I asked what he was going to do this time?
Jacob stated, ” I am a huge subscriber to the philosophy of Don’t Take A Plea, I have 3 previous Non-violent Felony Convictions. So if I can plea to a non jail-sentence misdemeanor I might take it however If a lawyer feels I can win outright, I will fight to the end. I am an activist so it is a complex dilemma, the prisoner’s dilemma I call it.”
Being on the front lines by exposing bad cops for a few years now he faces serious jail time. Another example of the power that can be unleashed from the three-headed monster of the Cops, Judges, and Prosecutors. They form a rock solid triad against the accused.