At the Armed Walk For Lives in Dallas, TX last weekend Patrick Smith came out to film the event. He was approached by Dallas Police and questioned about having a drone. Doing the smartest thing when being interrogated by police, Mr. Smith responded by saying “I don’t answer questions”. Apparently the the fine detective skills of the Dallas Police had determined that his camera mount was a flying drone. An officer informed him that they contacted the FAA and that the location of the event was within 5 miles of an airport, which would make it illegal to fly a drone in the area.
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Restless Boomers
Let’s face it, the cops aren’t the brightest bulbs on the tree. They excel at graft, corruption and sloth, but aren’t good for much else.
Too funny. Thanks for the laugh. Cops are so stupid. Always looking for an angle to “Protect and Serve” hahahahahha
Thanks for sharing. Stay safe and vigilant.