Just like any other reveal of something that progresses a movement, a beacon of freedom is shot down once again. In an unprecedented move, the pro-cannabis group, DFW Norml, has decided to kick out a booth that was to be set up solely to educate folks on a safer method of obtaining their medicine. LegalGreen.club is another avenue to get much-needed medicine through the mail instead of traveling to other states. The risk of jail, asset forfeiture, and embarrassment by the road pirates (that salivate over the idea of pouncing on people who are in possession of this plant) is avoided. We discovered that behind the decision to disallow the booth was DFW NORML’s legal counsel, none other than Attorney David Sloane.
He recently had billboards put up on 287, a main artery from Colorado into Texas.
Mr. Sloane is a Marijuana defense attorney who profits off the misfortunes of patients who are retrieving cannabis to cure what ails them. So if the populace gets wind of this and a safe, non-confrontational way of getting cannabis is spread, then what is left for him to defend. Just like a cancer cure being hidden, or like the NRA doing just enough to be relevant. The freedom and real security available to the people is being shunned for the almighty dollar.
Excerpt from Jessica (DFW NORML) reaching out to explain that David Sloane specifically banned this booth from attending: