Please, ask yourself.
Who are the real terrorists?
Well, you’re more likely to die in a car wreck, be struck by lighting, or even die in an elevator than to be killed by a guy wearing a turban, with a AK 47, driving a Toyota 4×4 truck.
The fear factor that people get comes from the mainstream media. They paint the picture of fear to make people fear something that hardly exist. The media fears people in submission so they give up a little freedom for safety. It’s a long-lived trick used by authoritarian style governments.
As of today, 600 Americans have died by police this year and we are only in July. Police have killed more Americans (3,654) in the last 3 years than “terrorists” have in the last 15 years, including the 9/11 attacks.
Police are trained to not trust the citizen so much so that it instills fear in the police officer and they act cowardly. Police departments refuse to hire people who score high on the IQ test.
“There is a policy here in the United States that people of a relatively high IQ are not allowed to become police officers,” said former CIA contractor Steven Kelley in an interview with Press TV.
The Free Thought Project reported a U.S. citizen is actually 58 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorists.
Why keep ignoring the stats and facts of who the real terrorist group is? I don’t think they are people who live thousands of miles away, worship to a different GOD, wear turbines, own AK 47s and drive Toyota 4×4 Trucks. No, these people are mad because their children are getting decimated by drone strikes. But that’s a different story.
The real terrorists are the people who go around kidnapping people, stealing people’s property, stealing money and killing people in the name of the “law.” Or in the name of “just doing my job.”
[adinserter block=”3″]The more the police kill, the more people will grow frustrated and rise up. Black people, white people, Hispanic people and others are all getting killed daily by police. On average this year, around 4 per day.
We must all realize that this is not a police vs people matter or black vs white matter. The problem is the corrupt system we live in, created by banks and corporations who have hijacked our government.
Uniting with each other and fighting the beast hand in hand is the only way to end up on top. United we stand, divided we will fall.
As I am writing this article 2 more Americans have been killed by police.
Sooner or later you have to ask yourself, when will the madness cease? Will it be through a peaceful revolution or a bloody one? I hope peace is the answer.
Check out my video where I explain it all!
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By Kory Watkins –
I lost interest after reading the “police won’t hire candidates who score high on ‘the IQ test’ ” nonsense. Not only is it a ridiculous claim, there is no nationwide “IQ test” for police officers. Most departments use other written tests and don’t even give an “IQ test”, which is something more used in education and psychology. Oh but a “former CIA contractor” said so. WTF is that. How many hundreds of thousands of people have worked as contractors for the CIA doing everything from janitorial work to overseas operations. Sounds like some super-secret ninja info there. Anyone with an IQ of 60 or higher (oh, there’s that IQ test again) should be able to see through this silly article.
True patriotism isn’t measured by how much you like and support cops, which are the ones who enforce these infringements, but on how you you try to alert the citizenry on their, or others corruption. 150 years or so ago while wrong on the moral issue of slavery the Confederacy was more patriotic than the North by far. they were also more Godly in truth. The only reason they lost, was because of Prophecy fulfillment; rather than morality.
On track yes they do just this week they killed two black men that weren’t threatening them with anything. Yes both had guns, but there isn’t any evidence they were going for the guns they had, or wanted to. The first one happened Tuesday. Most have heard it by now on how he was on the ground and shot in the chest at least 4 times. The other happened Wednesday just 24 hours after the first one. He was a licensed gun owner; not your common black man: Not a thug.
Cop pulls him over for a tail light out, asks for ID guy tries to get it boom dead. Women next to him filmed it, and during this time the cop keeps yelling which is just covering for himself, I told him not to move BS. Women in video say’s no you asked him to get his ID.
Excusing them doesn’t help, stop doing so. THey are the beast or the beasts enforcers stop it.
Yeah, tell us all how you would have handled it there trailer ninja.
Like any other traffic stop, for that’s all it was. No need to be freaked out since the guy didn’t’ reach and had a permit.
And trailer ninja what is that about?