On Saturday December 12th, a large group of 2nd Amendment and self-defense activists (The Life and Liberty Bill to End Gun Free Zones) will convene at the south gates of the Texas State Capitol to redress their grievances about the continued existence of Victim Disarmament Zones. Unlike the rally they organized last year in Dallas this one is targeted for the Capital City. These designated areas where humans are prohibited from protecting themselves are actually preferred targets to bad guys with guns who don’t abide by the rules in the first place. William A. Jacobson, a Cornell School of Law professor, recently criticized gun-free zones, Jacobson said that gun-free zones are only effective at keeping armed, good-intentioned people from entering them. People with bad intentions, however, do not obey the gun-free zone signs.
Jacobson stated “Gun-free zones presume the good intentions of those entering the zone. And the overwhelming majority have such good intentions. But for those who have bad intentions, gun-free zones turn schools and other locations into shooting galleries.”
Mr. Jacobson suggested that gun-free zones only enable mass killings, and do nothing to prevent them.
“In almost all mass shooting situations, particularly at schools, the common theme is a gun-free zone, with the shooter being the only armed person in the building for minutes or longer. And in each case, the shooter couldn’t care less about the gun-free nature of the building, and if anything, was drawn to such a location.”
Professor Jacobson is correct in his assertion that gun-free zones attract murderers. Last year, the Crime Prevention Research Center released a report that shows a clear correlation between gun-free zones and shootings. The CPRC report also found that between January 2009 and July 2014, 92 percent of mass shootings happened in gun-free zones.
Gun rights activists have fought long and hard to advocate the removal of gun-free or ‘victim disarmament zones’. These 2nd Amendment groups also believe strongly that the gun-free zones attract the kind of people who want to harm others. The main argument is that instead of going to a place where the citizens are armed and may fight back, these murderers love to cowardly attack sitting-ducks in areas where the people are unarmed.
The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) recently released a report that indicates that since January of 2009 to July 2014 92% of all mass shootings in the US occurred in gun-free zones.
The CPRC report was released to counter the paid liars at former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, gun grabbing organization. They made up a gun safety study that claimed only 14% of mass shootings occurred in gun-free zones, and that 86 percent of mass shootings have taken place in areas where guns are allowed.
The CPRC report shows that Everytown’s claims of 86% of mass shootings that happen outside of gun-free zones is because of their including attacks in private homes and the numerous errors in identifying whether citizens can defend themselves.
Everytown’s report fails to identify the cities that infringe on people’s human rights to carry a gun, and they also fail to distinguish between cops and citizens who carry guns. The ongoing Gun Free Zones debate has also bled into the presidential race with candidates expressing their concerns over the innocent victims of these tragedies. A Detroit pastor recently saved his congregation by shooting a would be attacker. Another man ignored the ‘No Guns Allowed’ in a Waffle House restaurant and thwarted an armed robbery by using his self-defense tool conveniently tucked on his person. A few of an ever-growing number of examples of how guns in the right hands save lives. The violation of our Human Right to self-defense with whatever and wherever we choose is putting people in ultimately fatal situations just because Legislators decide what’s best for us free men and women. Join these activist’s Facebook page and event page for more information and details or just send them some encouragement and support.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – DontComply.com