About the author

Sovereign Wil

Software developer, single dad, rifleman in the Texas State Militia Liberty Company. I train, I teach, I share.

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    I was camping at an SCA event at the Pawnee National Grasslands one August when someone heat-stroked. The medics decided that it was bad enough to need ER attention. Because we were quite a ways from civilization, Flight-for-Life was called in. They recovered / Happy Ending.
    The moral of this story is that there are important life-saving resources available if you need them. Just don’t panic the ‘mundanes’ when you call for help.

    1. 3.1

      Septic Skeptic

      //Flight-for-Life was called in//

      I would have hated to see the bill for that, and all for a heat stroke!

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    Why bother calling 911 if you can’t answer pretty basic questions. Don’t dick the 911 operator around who is just trying to help your dumb ass. It’s helpful if EMS knows what to expect prior to arrival to ensure the right equipment and personnel respond. I suggest you pack yourselves a Sovreign Citizen medical tent and treat the wound yourselves. That way you won’t have to even deal with the cops or paramedics at all. You and your ilk are a bunch of knobs.

    1. 2.1

      Sovereign Wil

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts Signal13

  3. Pingback: So, You Accidentally Shot Your Friend? | wchildblog

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