Founders of Come And Take It Texas, Jason and Murdoch
The Supreme Court handed down their ruling today that couples of the same gender now have the right to get married in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This Monumental decision trumps gay marriage bans in 14 states.
With same-sex couples already signing on with the government to tie the knot in 36 states and D.C. SCOTUS’s ruling on Friday means the remaining 14 states will have to immediately cease enforcing their state bans on same-sex marriage. This strike of the gavel concludes about 20 years of Supreme Court litigation over gay rights.
The Highest Court in the land used Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to solidify their argument..
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
With the utilization of the Constitution in such a specific manner the court is saying that the Due Process Clause extends to “certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy”. So the geographical barriers between the states are omitted as far as what you can and can’t do. Today these states must mesh together using this same “due process clause” that the almighty Supreme Court of the United States just applied to gay marriage and do away with any ban on carrying guns on U.S. soil. So today we can carry our guns in any state without breaking any laws, because the Supreme Law of the land just granted us the right to do so again. Our defense is our constitutional rights under the 14th and 2nd Amendment.
By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza – Dontcomply.com
The “due process clause” in the 5th and 14th Amendment protect areas pertaining to life, liberty, or property. The Supremacy Court has no business legislating marriage which is a Church Institution. Next in line for hearings now involve NAMBLA, Polygamists, bestiality groups, necromancers which is real in the Muslim tradition.
Life does directly involve life or death matters such as abortion (murder), self defense, victim rights. Liberty is a right to thrive free from tyranny, victimization, etc. but these are not excuses for sexual preferences. Square does not fit in a round hole.
Christine Crook
In every western we have been shown that people had to turn in their guns to the sheriff when they came to town. Why do you suppose that was?
We are entitled to own guns for our personal protection but there is no reason why government should allow you to walk around with them terrorizing people on the streets of America. And if you are so suspicious of other people that you need to carry it that way what are you going to think when you see somebody else walking towards you carrying one too? He might be afraid you will shoot him so will draw first. Then what happens? If you raise your hands he might really turn out to be a bad guy and shoot you. So your best move would be…….?
I just do not see how such a policy could ever end in a good way.
Mocah Gypsy
I live in Wyoming which is a Constitutional open carry state. This means you don’t need a permit to own a firearm and you can holster it openly. Every other person owns a gun here and many people carry openly without incident. Even my husband open carries when we go out on the town and it’s not a big deal to anyone!
Christine Crook
What about those of us who live in big cities?
To me large cities is where individual protection is most needed, I live in a mid sized city and I know it takes police at a average of 20 minutes to respond to a call, and the slogan of
” when seconds count the police are only minutes away” is a hard truth for some who are victims of violent crime. Also you do realize the courts have stated it is not the duty of police to protect you, http://fee.org/freeman/detail/just-dial-911-the-myth-of-police-protection
Christine Crook
I am not talking about that; I agree you should be able to carry guns for personal protection in your home, business, car even.
We have seen that the police, who have supposedly been trained, can’t stop themselves from shooting unarmed people that they think are suspicious. Why should untrained Americans do better? What I am asking is if everybody is known to be carrying a weapon on public streets or in public places, how soon before the paranoia that inspires it leads to shootouts? Especially say if you see a black male with a gun or a person with a beard wearing one of those hats they wear in mosques?
James Vickery
That is an interesting theory…
Shootouts happening because of “untrained Americans” carrying weapons freely. I am just trying to think where that is happening, because I cant think of any place where law abiding citizens are allowed to carry freely, where this has resulted in shootouts.
I can think of a few places, on the other hand, where crazies with guns have walked into “gun free zones”(Charelston, SC,anyone?), which resulted in something worse than shootouts –
this resulted in a shooting *gallery*, where the bad guy was the only one with a gun and had free reign to fire at targets at will.
Many of us in Alaska carry open or concealed…not worried a bit when I see men and women carrying out on the streets or in the grocery store..one idiot who wants to harm anyone will get tore down and quickly. I prefer to carry concealed at all times and even in my backyard from all critters whether bear, moose or human that try and harm.
Christine Crook
Just curious: since the police can’t seem to stop themselves from shooting black men, how do you think you would react if you saw one coming toward you on the street carrying a weapon?
Alan Rustad
Christine, did you know that factoring percentage of population and all of that it is twice as likely a white man will be shot by police than a black man? It would be much more accurate to say that black men can not seem to stop shooting other black men. During the height of the Iraq and Afgan wars it was more likely a white man between the ages of 18 and 25 would be shot by a black man in either Chicago or Washington D.C.than in either war. Nasty things these facts. They always seem to make the white hating crowd look dumb when brought to light. I am so sick of this white privilege dialogue and all of the misinformation that goes with it. In 1860, if you were a slave in the south you were twice as likely to be ‘owned’ by another black than by a white person. Less than one percent of whites owned slaves. That war was way more about states rights than it was about slavery. Slavery was a horrible institution and I certainly labor that it ever existed in this country. Whats worse is the lack of history that our schools teach about the huge effort by so many in the young U.S. to stop slavery. Importation of new slaves was accomplished early on and one of the first actions the U.S. marine Corps was involved in was stopping Muslim slave traders in North Africa. Does “To the shores of Tripoli” have any meaning for most of us? It would be nice to see our leaders get out the facts and quit playing on every ones emotions when it comes to such serious issues.
Christine Crook
Alan do I need to provide you with a link to the declarations the confederate states made about the reason for secession? They were to protect slavery. Look it up. Google the documents of secession.Or take a look at some excerpts: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/07/06/the-confederacys-final-retreat
It is true that more whites didn’t own slaves than did but you only had to look at their postwar behavior to see that it was racism still. Whites in the south were still trying to prevent black children from going to school so that Presidents had to send in federal marshalls and call up the National Guards (Militias) to secure those rights.They are still trying to prevent black people from voting with their prejudicial election laws.
Whites who themselves can not understand how Shakespeare could feel such empathy for people so different from himself, such as the Merchant of Venice, Rosalind, or Othello, can’t pride themselves on his “white” genius. Nor can whites who deny science and logic take any pride in the accomplishments of the white people who were key leaders in those fields. If you aren’t going to accept anything that white people in the past accomplished for the advancement of human life, you have no grounds to pride yourselves on your racial connections.
“In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States, so the numbers of slaves owned by black people over all was quite small by comparison with the number owned by white people. In his essay, ” ‘The Known World’ of Free” http://www.theroot.com/articles/history/2013/03/black_slave_owners_did_they_exist.2.h
Since your information is contradicted in these 2 cases, I would think that you might follow a principle that white Americans have been so key in developing: Free press is necessary so that people can get information from as many sources as possible and weigh that information for its factual content in order to determine how to proceed when making any decisions.
Whites, Hispanics and Blacks owned slaves.
Blacks and Whites were slaves. But the largest group of slaves in the British Colonies in the 17th Century was white: the Irish.
Also your statement about whites in the south stopping black children from going to school is misleading. Some black high school student were stopped from going to a white school in Alabama.
When do beading heart liberals going to stop? We have a black President, Cabinet, Atty General, black senators and represtatives and in every aspect of our culture. BLACKS AS A RACE ARE NOT BEING HELD BACK IN AMERICA! Are some blacks treated unfairly? Are some whites treated unfairly? Yes. Our system is not perfect but it is the best in the world. Race baiting is only dividing our cultures. And liberals in general and you specifically are doing the blacks a disservice.
Christine Crook
Alan, I do appreciate the fact that you provide reasons for your beliefs and do not resort to juvenile name calling when people disagree with you.
I agree with you about getting out the facts Unfortunately I think the “facts” upon which your are relying are very open to dispute.
I remember when Obama was first elected and he and Michelle were asked if they worried about his safety. And Michelle replied that this would be nothing new, that as a black man he always had to be worried about that, even when he went to the corner grocery store. And in the past year, I at least,have learned what she was talking about.
I think it is a good thing to hear what the black experience is like in America. If it is different, as the recent police shootings as well as the Charleston massacre made us all start realizing, we should indeed realize that “Black lives matter” and it is not emotional to say so and want to correct it. And even if most violence against blacks is committed by other blacks, that does not mean that we should not do something about it.
Alan Rustad
Two things. First of all I never think of or said I thought of myself as superior because I am white. I am not nor should I be condemned because white people I have no connection with did horrible crap 200 years ago. Second, I stated the statistics taken from the 1860 census while you cite the 1830 census. Apples and oranges. I know of not one friend of mine who is white that would like to stop ANY citizen who has a right to vote in this country vote. I do however have a big problem letting those that do not have the right to do so vote. Historically it has been the Democratic party that stopped blacks from voting and instituted Jim Crow laws and the like. Right now our country is headed into another era of states rights conflicts and it will not be pleasant. I would hardly use the newyorker magazine a source for unbiased historical documents. You need to look at the whole of what was happening to understand the political and economic situations that led to the civil war. As far as B.O. is concerned he has led a life of privilege that most of us could never imagine. Look up the facts on that and open your eyes to what a liar he is. He lived with a rich family member for most of his life who put him in private schools that you and i would not even be allowed tp visit. I have a book that I suggest you read by Dr. Martin Luther King. It’s ‘Strength to Love”. In this book you will find all we need to know, whether black or white on how to stop all of the insanity that he’s been foisted upon us by our divisive president and other leaders. Read the book and get back to me. It will change most of what you think about who MLK was and what he stood for as opposed to what current black activists tell us.
Christine, no one walks around with their weapons unholstered and pointing it at people. So maybe I am missing your question here, are you asking if I saw a black man on the street with a holstered weapon am I going to shoot him? Nope, many good people here of all colors, but each situation is different and I am not afraid to assess a situation that just might save mine or my families lives. We are all proficient with weapons handling with one a Alaska state champion on the Jr level.
People turned in their guns because the laws were unjust and like today people obeyed because they were afraid of being killed or locked in a cage, not because it was the right/moral/good thing to do, being at the mercy of the armed government or of armed criminals who did not turn in their guns is never a good thing if you value life, liberty and your property. I should not have to be dependent on anyone to defend me, when I am the only one who is always with myself and loves me enough to do a good job. You are scared of guns and people with guns, your irrational fear does not diminish my right to self defense or if we are talking constitution you should learn it and how to understand “shall not be infringed” and educate yourself and in the mean time and please don’t exercise your 1st amendment rights until you have something besides old ejaculate to spit out, you stupid person. I am not surprised you don’t see how freedom could turn out good because your head is so far up your ignorant ass all you see is brown.
Christine Crook
Anonymous : . I can well believe that you are the only one always with you because just even reading what you write is disgusting. How much worse could it be to actually be in your presence!
I can also believe that everyone around you feels the need to carry a weapon for self defense.So you are not going to get any arguments from them. I am in favor of weapons for self-defense and I would not be at all surprised if somebody sees you with your weapon and does the very thing of which I spoke: shoots you dead. That has been known to happen to bullies. And, according to your own statement, nobody will mourn you but you.
You need to know what a dependent clause is. And that it is in the 2nd amendment to give a purpose for the right to bear arms,i.e. to serve in the militia. The other rights were so obvious that they didn’t have to explain them or limit them. The other rights were just stated without qualification.
You also need a course in logic.Some how I don’t think you are more intelligent than the founders who would not have been such logical idiots as to found a government at the same time as saying: “But, hey,we want everybody to feel free to overthrow it.” And most rational people can understand that.
Also since they were bothering to write laws in the first place, I don’t think ‘well regulated” was referring to a bunch of self-organized crime gangs
I don’t think you will understand it but someone else at this website might : the logical structure of the 2nd amendment is that the militias are to be composed of the people bearing arms. The armed people are considered to be ALL of the members of the sets which are the militias. But this might require some knowledge of mathematics too which I would not be surprised to find that you are unable to understand.
Washington called up state militias to put down the “Whiskey Rebellion” against taxes. Because there was no standing army that could do it. And he was not impeached for it. This seems to have happened sufficiently close to the creation of the nation, that it would not have passed without notice. Why no impeachment or secession then?
The South fought the war in order to keep their slaves. That is what they declared in writing at the time. And guess what? They lost! Fat lot of good their weapons did them,
if “Jade Helm invades” Texas, as the usual morons there are claiming, they won’t last as long as the defenders of the Alamo. I have family members stationed in the military there and they work for the US government, the government that freed the slaves, which all of your blathering on about freedom seems to ignore.
Deep Bluewater
Wow, you’re a dumb bitch. You need a reality check lol
Christine Crook
Well, what a great argument. I would like you to see you argue a case before the Supreme Court.
“LOL” does not make your comment anything but unreasoned and inane.
This is why you people can never win. You just talk among yourselves and since you all agree on your unthought-out slogans you think people who think will agree with you. It will never happen
BTW you really really hate it when a woman is much more knowledgeable and logical than you, don’t you? There are more and more of us which is why you are so angry and think you need to prove your manhood by wearing a gun. Truth is, swaggering around with weapons makes you look ridiculous to everybody else.
Start thinking, quit being so emotional. Seriously. You are turning away people like me who would be on your side for the right to own weapons whose purpose is for self-protection and/or hunting.
But I just wandered into this site through a friend’s link so you can go back to your cheerleading.
Only in your mind are you ‘much more knowledgeable and logical’ that the rest of us. Your logic is all over the board and your facts are just plain wrong. Typical liberal that knows nothing but then struts around like you won the debate! Hahahahah
Deep Bluewater
Don’t you have anything better to do besides look incredibly stupid on the internet? Go have a Tupperware party and discuss guns with your womenfolk and then feel good about it. America is the land of the free. If you don’t like it, move somewhere else you dumb broad.
Christine Crook
I suggest that you unAmerican morons move somewhere else whose government’s authority matches your desires: Libya. Their government has no power to interfere with your ability to have weapons and everyone can get any type he wants.
Christine Crook
Oh by the way, I see that you big talkers prefer to remain anonymous. Perhaps because of the incongruity between what you say and who you are?
Typical liberal that knows nothing about guns or the people that have them. So, you get your information you are spewing from what, the movies? Pick up a history book from time to time. Educate yourself. Of the 44 or 45 (can’t keep up) states that currently have open carry, your fantasy of honest Americans having shootouts just has not happened. Some states have always had open carry. You would think that by now there would be some evidence of your scenario. It seems that it is liberals like you that are afraid of their honest law abiding citizens having the freedom to protect themselves. smh
Guns were removed from visiting cowboys because they were getting drunk. Also being a sheriff or gun slinger was an either or career choice. The ok corral was a gang turf battle. Not law and order.
Shouldn’t that logic be applied to marijuana? It falls under the same aspect as gay marriage, it’s a choice too.
“certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy”. Not my words man, not mine.
Duck Hunter
The issue here may lie in the words “certain personal choices”. They didn’t define what those personal choices are or what the are limited to. I am not saying that you are wrong, I am saying that they left a huge dimly lit area, in my opinion anyway.
Christine Crook
So marriage pretty much has the same value as getting high? I had really never thought of it as something that exists for pleasure and relaxing. But if that is your experience, good for you!
Hey, when you’re with the one you love? You should feel high all the time.
It aso states they may regulate commerce among the states, no tprohibit it.
Daniel Jorge
What scotus did is translate the 14th amendment into an opinion based ruling because I’m pretty sure there were gay and lesbian citizens when the constitution was written.the problem is being that the USA was founded by what God had to say about humanity and the laws of man to survive,our forefathers believed very much that the laws of the lord thy god for man to live should be the laws of the land because Gods law is higher and immortal than any law mortal man can write.no state or government can ever replace Gods laws
Kenneth Paul
and gods laws are based on the belief of the man……….(different man different religion different gods laws) who among you can tell another man his beliefs are wrong. no authority for that was given anywhere ever.
Christine Crook
You are confusing aesthetic offense with political offense sanctioned by government. I might think the confederate flag is an ugly flag but I can’t stop you if you want to wear it on your jeans. It is the flag of treason and disrespect for the amendments to the Constitution of the United States. It does not belong on any flagpole on any government property
It was actually a flag flown in battle fighting for state/s sovereignty over the federal government as a result of the loss, the feds now exercise power not granted over all the states, marijuana raids by the feds in states where its legal for example. They were fighting for legitimate constitutional rights, it was the north/feds over revenues that violated the constitution and forbid the south from succeeding from the oppressive union. Please educate yourself before opening your mouth. this
forum is not a cock.
Christine Crook
You ARE poisonous and every thing you say is untrue except for the battle flag. I don’t need advice on education from an obvious moron like you who probably has a cock small enough to match your pea brain.
Deep Bluewater
I agree, you’re an obvious moron who think can’t keep a man because shes too caught up on herself lol
Christine Crook
Gorgeous and brilliant here. Hate it, don’t you? I’m not hiding behind anonymity and unthought-out slogans and insults.
Will Forsyth
Here’s one, your an inane bigot who couldn’t find a logical argument if it bit you on your hateful feminist asshole 🙂
Will Forsyth
Wow you can’t win using your logic so you degrade into vulgar insults…. you already proved our points
Will Forsyth
Treason ??? And just why is it disrespectful ? It used to stand for something but becaus of liberal media agenda and the popularization of bigotry twards southern idealology it has been reduced to a symbol of racism , do your research, opposing and challenging the government is very American , and thats part of what it stands for.
Kenneth Paul
not confused at all so nice for you to ask about my position and comprehension before deciding for me
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Kenneth Paul
NOW THERE IS A BIGGER PROBLEM FOR THE STATES….. the drivers license is the same kind of “thing” as a license to carry a pistol on your hip. federal law only deals with commercial traffic on the interstate highways and you traveling from a to b to attend your needs is not in commerce not traffic not a driver not a motor vehicle you carry no passengers while doing so this can o worms just got exponentially larger ….much to my chagrin
Yup. Not to mention every state must honor a license issued in another state. So pretty much the nation is now following federal gun law. Except where it is unconstitutional and infringes that right. Wow the next federal challenge just changed drastically.