The quiet peaceful people from Utah have had their fill with the unnecessary and unconstitutional Bureau of Land Management. They would like to have their land returned to them and for the f... Read more
Is another ATF or FBI attack brewing to be unleashed on the patriots gathered at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge? Information is coming in from multiple sources that blood is being requested, a... Read more
Andrew Hertzler, an Amish man has recently filed a federal lawsuit in the State of Pennsylvania that conjoined the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) with the 2nd Amendment. Mr. Hertzl... Read more
I like to give credit where credit is due. So on the extremely rare occasion when a gun-grabbing Democrat says something Constitutionally correct, I feel it’s a newsworthy development and de... Read more
Before we begin, if you are an anti-gun advocate or just someone who believes in “reasonable common sense” restrictions and regulations, then grab the duct tape and wrap it secur... Read more