141 Medical Organizations and Groups have signed a letter urging the funding of anti-gun research to be conducted by the CDC. The letter is addressed to Senate Appropriations Committee membe... Read more
Michele Fiore, a Nevada Republican who’s currently running for United States Congress has been a staunch supporter and representative for Freedom fighters and goes against the grain of most... Read more
Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government rep... Read more
In case we neededed any more proof that the governmental apparatus allegedly meant to serve the people has been turned completely upside-down, this latest national embarrassment by our rulin... Read more
The Daily Caller -There’s no actual debt ceiling right now. The fiscal deal passed by Congress on Wednesday evening to re-open the government and get around the $16.4 trillion limit on borro... Read more