Former CIA director John McLaughlin said in an interview regarding President Trumps impeachment “Thank God for the deep state” he then goes on to applaud the CIA for not being in... Read more
HUNT COUNTY, TEXAS: Kirk Grady just happened to possess some land in Hunt County before he sold it 14 years ago. the property in question had a pile of firewood on it, and now the county wan... Read more
When did our Bill of Rights die? At what point in the history of our Republic did the Natural Rights of all freeborn men and women just disappear? It would seem to some that we are still a f... Read more
It’s no secret that the US presidential election is a little off the wall this year. On the Republican side, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, two certainly non-establishment politicians have been... Read more
A Washington cop received a call about a drunk man sitting in his jeep in a movie parking lot, only to discover that he was a local deputy, so she offered him a ride home, which he refused.... Read more
Indictments were handed down last Thursday to 1 of the 3 Child Protective Services (CPS) subordinates who were charged with Oppression, a (misdemeanor), tampering with evidence, and falsifyi... Read more
Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government rep... Read more
The Obama administration intends to unleash a scorched earth campaign over the next 18 months, with a promise to “squeeze every last ounce of progress” and continue “fundamentally transformi... Read more
At a time when the entirety of Western civilization is focused on eliminating police corruption and ending the suffering that unlawful police departments inflict upon citizens, a Texas State... Read more
(Warning: Graphic Language) Speaking to an all might officer or even so much as looking in their direction can have you facing a barrage of verbal abuse and threats of imprisonment. Every d... Read more