Picture this: You and your family are in the living room, watching a movie after a long day. The blue glow of the t.v. washing over you, as the sun begins to set, and the street lights flick... Read more
We often hear that being a Police officer is the most dangerous job in America. We often hear people talk about the sacrifice and the shear amount of danger that police officers face day in... Read more
At least 700 infants may have been exposed to tuberculosis in the nursery area of a Texas hospital. The babies were put at risk of catching the contagious disease by a member of staff who wa... Read more
American children are beginning the new school year and walking directly into the Obama regime’s line of fire. Over the summer as experts, Patriots and adherents of common sense were warning... Read more
Even the mainstream media can no longer ignore US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) refusal to follow or enforce federal law. ICE and US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) have... Read more
The Army Times is reporting that for the first time a non-American military officer will be commanding US forces in Europe. Announced yesterday, German Brig. Gen. Markus Laubenthal has been... Read more
While Time Magazine is still pandering to the willfully ignorant with stories like “The Myth of the Diseased Immigrant”, the New York City Department of Health made history today... Read more
Grimes, Iowa Boy Scout Troop 111 was driving into Alaska recently when one of the scouts took a picture of the official, which provoked border agents into detaining and searching the scouts... Read more
Many Americans remain ignorant of the fact that the US Government has been partnered with Mexican drug cartels going as far back as the Bush Administration, if not earlier, and that the... Read more
As reported by Pamela Geller at FreedomOutpost and other sites, a group that is alternately known as Muslims of the Americas/Jamaat ul-Fuqra is maintaining a enclave and training center on C... Read more
In 1994, when Arizona started its shall issue concealed carry weapon (CCW) program, there was considerable interest in how many and what types of homicides would be related to the new law. I... Read more
(L.A. Times) Gun crime has plunged in the United States since its peak in the middle of the 1990s, including gun killings, assaults, robberies and other crimes, two new studies of government... Read more