BEAUMONT, TEXAS A 13-year-old Vincent Middle School student, Alex Trevino was raised in a creative household even having artistic parents who own and operate a tattoo and piercing shop i... Read more
Every year around this time millions of giddy parents surrender their children to the local public schools. These tax-funded babysitters provide 12 years, 40+ hours a week of psychological c... Read more
…ATTENTION HOME SCHOOL FRIENDS and OTHER FRIENDS: There is a little slight of hand trickery going on down at the capital. We’ve called and emailed against the Tebow bill but now... Read more
There is a growing number of parents that are pulling their kids out of public schools, due to the ever-growing rash of problems. With the tuition costs of private schools requiring somethin... Read more
To Texans and all Homeschoolers! There are couple of bills (HB 347 By Rep. Harold Dutton and SB 391 by Konni Burton) in our State Legislature right now that want to make the decisions for... Read more