The government land domination squad (The Bureau of Land Management) is expanding to include the creation of another overreaching division to include more armed government agents to run a mu... Read more
Environmental and wildlife groups are pleading to government to use force and possible violence to steal the Bundy’s livestock that could ignite another intense standoff between Freedom figh... Read more
Today, in the State of North Carolina, federal tyranny reared its ugly head – again. Beth Chelle Austin, a Lady Patriot, made the difficult decision to surrender herself to the FBI for... Read more
In a recent video Mrs. Bundy said “I would love for you to come to my ranch and show me where my family has done an abuse of any kind to this land that we love.” So come on Dirt... Read more
Michele Fiore, a Nevada Republican who’s currently running for United States Congress has been a staunch supporter and representative for Freedom fighters and goes against the grain of most... Read more
The round-up and corralling of Americans has been initiated for sometime now, the recent apprehensions, apparent execution, and multiple arrests in Oregon is the latest bloody straw drawn fr... Read more
Stefan Molyneux: The government is protecting the tortoises by exploding nuclear bombs over Nevada. Interviewed by Press For Truth. Get more from Stefan Molyneux and Freedomain Radio includi... Read more