Join The DC Crew this week on a trip into Murdoch’s voluntary community analogies, Phoenix tries to make us a tech podcast crying about iPhones, How Obama Care left Phoenix with no ins... Read more
American children are beginning the new school year and walking directly into the Obama regime’s line of fire. Over the summer as experts, Patriots and adherents of common sense were warning... Read more
Hours after Liberia announced a ‘shoot on sight’ order for people crossing the border from Sierra Leone in an effort to curb the spread of Ebola, has learned that... Read more
(WND) – In a new question-and-answer posting at, Editor in Chief Matt Welch has an answer for the question “What is the Gadsden ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flag?” It’s not, as it wa... Read more
Fox News – A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall... Read more
Do You want to fully understand the failure that is Obamacare? A comprehensive look at the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and it’s implementation. Obamacare facts e... Read more
“Clearly, any family may be visited by federally paid agents for almost any reason.” According to an Obamacare provision millions of Americans will be targeted. The Health and Hu... Read more